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  1. #401
    Member + Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS tli's Avatar
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    Thank you all for this extremely useful and simple tutorial! Successfully enabled Junction View (JV) on a US 1350T--working perfectly. Cool!

    Now, I want to enable another US 1350LMT, but I have a question... Sorry in advance if this has already been asked and answered somewhere in this long thread. I didn't see it in the many pages--not the entire thread--that I've read so far. If already answered, please direct me to the appropriate post(s)--much appreciated. Anyway, my hesitation is that once JV is enabled on a unit that has the Lifetime Map (LM) feature, would future map updates downloaded via Garmin Express (GE) have the JCV files automatically downloaded too? Or would GE still recognize that the unit is a US 1350LMT, and not download the JCV file along with the maps update download? If this is the case, then it would mean that I would have to find and download the corresponding JCV file manually after each new GE map update? Thank you for any info.

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  3. #402
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    You have to find and download the JCV file manually. As far as Garmin is concerned, your unit doesn't have junction view even though you now have the feature.
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  4. #403
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Quote Originally Posted by tli View Post
    Anyway, my hesitation is that once JV is enabled on a unit that has the Lifetime Map (LM) feature, would future map updates downloaded via Garmin Express (GE) have the JCV files automatically downloaded too?
    The JCV files would be automatically downloaded too!

    Quote Originally Posted by Strephon Alkhalikoi View Post
    You have to find and download the JCV file manually. As far as Garmin is concerned, your unit doesn't have junction view even though you now have the feature.
    It is not so! It is depend of Logo in unit. Some of 1350T have full features and it is generally depended of market where it was sold...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  5. #404
    Member + Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS tli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giomen View Post
    The JCV files would be automatically downloaded too!

    ... It is depend of Logo in unit. ...
    Thanks for the inputs! By "Logo in unit", do you mean the 'Splash' being 'D1340-50' when JV is enabled instead of the 'D1340-00' when disabled? GE would be checking this 'D1340-50' inventory component ID when performing a LM update? Not checking the registered model (1350LMT) and/or serial number(s) of the unit? Again, thanks for any additional insight.

    [Edit] Or is the logo.bin file found here:

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    gets changed when this patch is used to enable JV? If so, is GE checking this logo.bin file when doing an LM update? Thanks again. [/Edit]

    [Edit 2] I see that the logo.bin file has the 'D1340-50' inventory component ID written inside it. So GE checks this file when doing a LM update instead of using the registered model number or serial number? Thanks again! [/Edit 2]
    Last edited by tli; 1st October 2013 at 04:40 PM.

  6. #405
    GPSPower Helper Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Garmin Software and Servers check only Garmindevice.xml and nothing else.
    Open this file in a text editor to see all the info inside.
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  7. #406
    Member + Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS tli's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input but I don't see how this XML file would indicate to GE that the unit has JV enabled. It shows the model number and serial number along with listing of previously installed JCV files found on boot up. However, that doesn't indicate that the JV is enabled though...

    I believe Giomen may be correct in that the logo.bin is the determining factor when a GE LM update occurs?

  8. #407
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    I think you are misunderstanding what both Giomen and dasilvarsa are saying. I guess a picture is worth a thousand words, and two are even better.

    Portion of a US 1300 GarminDevice.xml prior to modding logo [original splash D1340-00]:
    Spoiler: pic

    After modding [splash now D1340-50]:

    Spoiler: pic

    Nothing is read by Garmin sw or it's servers other than the device's GarminDevice.xml as clearly stated by dasilvarsa. The device itself writes to the .xml files on each boot cycle to update it from it's own internal information. In the above case the later xml refects the splash of 1340-50 as would yours. The logo bin [16.bin] itself is not directly accessed by GE or WU etc. Even full firmware is only known by the software version written in the xml file, e.g.:
    <Model><PartNumber>006-B0972-00</PartNumber><SoftwareVersion>620</SoftwareVersion><Description>nüvi 1300</Description></Model>

    You can also open the xml in a web browser to more clearly see the info. The above images are from IE.

    NOTE: If you want to prove this to yourself, put the GarminDevice.xml in a Garmin folder on a usb stick, change the software version in the xml with WordPad or any other text editor to one version below the current [eg. change 620 to 610], open WebUpdater and it will be recognised as a Garmin device ['nuvi 1350 is connected'] and then will dl the current V6.20 as GUPDATE.GCD to a .System folder on the stick. Proof positive that the Garmin software does not access anything other than the xml file.
    Last edited by Boki; 15th December 2022 at 02:12 PM.
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  9. #408
    Member + Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS tli's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    THANK YOU Neil for your patience and taking the time for this detailed explanation. It certainly clears up everything now. I had opened the two XML files that I had from the successfully patched 1350T--before and after enabling JV--and compared them earlier, but somehow I missed that extra JCV entry. I must have scanned them too quickly, and that was why I thought the XML file provided no indication of JV being enabled. Anyway, your two pics detailing the exact added entries/differences helped my understanding immediately!

    Apologies to dasilvarsa as I clearly misunderstood--I get it now.

    Thank guys!! Can always get excellent knowledge and expertise here.

  10. #409
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Quote Originally Posted by tli View Post
    I believe Giomen may be correct in that the logo.bin is the determining factor when a GE LM update occurs?
    I had mentioned that factory preloaded logo for one model could be different! And that logo is mother for Garmindevice.xml contents as you can see in examples above
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  11. #410
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giomen View Post
    It is not so! It is depend of Logo in unit. Some of 1350T have full features and it is generally depended of market where it was sold...
    By that logic I should be getting JCV files downloaded whenever I update my 1300. I can definitely tell you this is NOT the case. I have to download the large JCV Garmin has available, every time I update the map.
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