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  1. #71
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    sorry, but not quite;

    please, check up carefully, one different name in zumo 550:
    not 'gmapprom1.img' but 2nd Suppmap = gmapsup2.img.
    You might like to add this additional infopost to that tutorial, perhaps?

    bye, f
    Last edited by fiat_lux; 4th March 2013 at 09:38 PM. Reason: typo

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  3. #72
    Important User Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
    Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
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    I'll copy mine and yours in a new thread instead and replace link in tutorials

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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

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  4. #73
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    Default SID files: what exactly are they?

    I have a 3790 US converted to 3490, with CNEU 2013.40 map onto the SD card, and all the additional files on the internal memory (JCV, SID, DB, ecc.).
    I'm in Italy and everything seems fine, but when I delete the SID directory, I don't see any difference during the regular use: I still get results when I search for addresses, routing seems ok, POI still showing up (e.g. gas stations or pizzerie)...
    What are exactly InstaSearch, InstaAddress and POI that the SID files are supposed to provide?
    Can anyone suggest me some test to do in order to check if I'm using the SID files or not?

  5. #74
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
    Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
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    Have a look here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Scroll down to SID.
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  6. #75
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    thanks for the reply. Still I don't get it: every search I can think of, return me the same results, whether I have the SID files or not...
    Something wrong with me?

  7. #76
    Navigation software expert Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
    Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
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    Quote Originally Posted by rafcarla View Post
    thanks for the reply. Still I don't get it: every search I can think of, return me the same results, whether I have the SID files or not...
    Something wrong with me?
    You must not see big difference. All other old devices work with a charm without SID. The main content is an IMG. But IMG is very old format and is not perfect. Garmin try make an improvements in its with help of new additions.

    Do you check all of this?
    Includes more than 10.4 million km (6.5 million mi) of roads, including motorways, national and regional thoroughfares and local roads, in Western Europe and many countries in Eastern Europe.
    Displays more than 6 million points of interest throughout the country, including restaurants, lodging, border crossings, attractions, petrol stations, campsites, shopping and more.
    But I am have a some practice when I intentional deleted the SID to return my route to more familiar to me...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  8. #77
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
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    Giomen is 100% correct (as always, dammit!), and i wouldn't be too caught up in the POI search thing. As he points out, that's all up to the map info and you'll get the same eventual results using a unit without SIDs as using one with them. The difference is in the predictive text of the SID equipped unit, as you type it will make suggestions for you, not just for POIs but also for addresses etc. That's InstaSearch. Now, when you select the destination InstaRoute takes over using traffic trends to get you 'FastRouted' there, in theory avoiding any potential holdups.

    Did you watch the video in the other thread i linked? 'Cos it explains it in a nutshell.
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  9. #78
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    I have a novi 200. It had no maps and probably folders were deleted.

    I got it updated and now I am able to use it with maps. There is only help folder missing and therefore, I can not use the built in help. Is it possible to copy a help file by creating a help folder in it and then use it by the user interface?

    If that is possible, can someone point me to an english language help file please?

  10. #79
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
    Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.Garmin units directories,characteristics and files.
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    You should have been offered the Help files by WebUpdater. Maybe you updated it using Garmin Express, which often neglects to offer essential files [at present, it's still a useless piece of ]. Here's American & British English help files for 2x0 series anyway: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], Just create a folder named Help in your 200's Garmin folder and then unzip the files into it.
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  11. #80
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    Yes I have used Garmin Express and was not given an option to update help files :-(

    I used your files and they are working fine now. I even get "content sensitive help" now, I did not know that was possible.

    Thank you very much for acting so fast, and for your support :-)



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