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    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    Default How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"

    How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG" file to in stall in MapSource or Basecamp

    Step 1
    First you download an "IMG" file of a free Topo map from the many website that are out there.
    (no need for a screen shot it comes as a "IMG" file of in a "RAR" file to unzip.
    Most of the downloads from these websites come with install programs for MapSource or Basecamp.
    But there are a lot that are only "IMG" files to download.
    That file is in the download folder on my Laptop.
    Next You make a folder that the split Garmin "IMG" will take place.

    Next you make a folder in C:\ProgramData\GARMIN\Maps\Freizeitkarte_LUX

    Spoiler: See Step 2 The new folder


    Next you open GMapTool and go over settings under Options.

    Spoiler: See Step 3 for Options

    Next you go back to the main screen on GMapTool.

    Now click On File add “IMG” file

    Spoiler: See Step 4 for adding "IMG" file

    Add the downloaded "IMG" file from that downloaded directory

    Next go to SPLIT menu add the folder C:\ProgramData\GARMIN\Maps\Freizeitkarte_LUX/
    Add Mapset name Freizeitkarte_LUX (it can be any name you like)

    Spoiler: See Step 5 to add info


    The hit the Split all button
    When finished you will see this.
    Now you can close GMapTool it is not needed any more.

    Spoiler: See Step 6 to Split "IMG"

    Next how to install your map in MapSource or Basecamp.
    You have to run the bat file with Admin rights

    Spoiler: See Step 7 with Admin rights

    Hit Enter

    Spoiler: See Step 8 hit Enter again to complete it.

    If all went OK

    Spoiler: See Step 9 that completes the install

    You are now ready to use the map in MapSource of Basecamp.

    Spoiler: See Step 10 in Mapsource

    You now can add tracks or make them to sent to your GPS

    If the map is to big you can unselect tiles you do not need so the "IMG" will fit on your GPS

    The latest version of OpenStreetMaps Canada is to big for older GPS units.
    It is over 4GB with spiting the map you can downsize it to 3.25GB if you want.

    Any questions let me know.

    Spoiler: GMapTool Website
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    Spoiler: cGPSmapper wibsite
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    Spoiler: OR here if site has problems downloading cGPSmapper
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    Last edited by asprin624; 17th April 2022 at 07:44 PM.

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  3. #2
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    Is it possible with GmapTool, open an .img file and change the name that is showed in Garmin device as map name for this .img?

  4. #3
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    You do not need GMmapTool to change the name of an .IMG map file.

    If your Garmin supports different names of map files just rename them to what you like.


    Etrex 22x:
    I have openfietsmap (Germany).img renamed to TopoDE.img.

    When I look on my Etrex 22x it shows TopoDE.img

    Some older Garmins will only let you use these names:

    gmapsupp.img (maps you download, can be both internal and external on a SD card ) Some of the newer Garmins also have names like this D6159220A.img

    (this name is most common, and it means you can copy it into your GPS internal memory or memory card)

    gmapprom.img (built in maps like City Navigator, only internal)

    gmapprom1.img (built in extra maps, only internal. City Navigator EU and US need two files)

    gmapbmap.img (base map file, can only be internal (on the GPS device)

    gmapoem.img ( OEM maps, only internally)

    So what Garmin are we talking about that you have?

  5. #4
    iGO Enthusiast How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"
    How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin "IMG"
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    I don't think the member asked to change the file name but to display the name of the map on screen (eg "Europe West 2022" and the like).

    As far as I know, no publisher has made such a thing possible, nor is there any software for that purpose.
    So it would only be possible using some HexEditor, and you must know exactly what data to change ...

    But let's wait for someone else.
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  6. #5
    Member + How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;
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    Quote Originally Posted by bovirus View Post
    Is it possible with GmapTool, open an .img file and change the name that is showed in Garmin device as map name for this .img?
    Yes, you can. To set the .img internal displayed name, open the file, go to the Write tab, select Mapset, enter the name you want in the right hand field, then at the bottom click Write selected.
    To check the mapset name, go to File tab, click Info & scroll the details that appear back to the top.

  7. #6
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    Why would you need to change anything with the internal name of the .IMG map?

    When you look at a list of maps that you have just renamed the .IMG map it show the name you give it.

    Spoiler: Maps with the names I gave it

    Even if I change the internal map name to the name I gave the .IMG file what does that being?

    Unless you are trying to hide the real name of the .IMG file.
    Then forget that you did the name change and no longer remember what map this really is......
    Last edited by asprin624; 10th June 2022 at 09:48 AM.

  8. #7
    iGO Enthusiast How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;
    How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;
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    If you "redraw - tailor" the map (in MapSource) and make a BeNeLux 22 Q2 for example, why not call it like that
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  9. #8
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    Users can do what they want when it comes to the mapset name.

    So to answer the question:

    make a BeNeLux 22 Q2 for example
    If you do that only have one of the maps on not both.

    But by leaving the .IMG map mapset alone you have the date of that map.

    I have many maps from many different sites.
    The only thing I do is rename gmapsupp.img to Topo_BNL.img for my OpenFietsMap.
    I also rename gmapsupp.img from Freizeitkarte BNL which I rename to Topo_F_BNL
    and rename gmapsupp.img OSM Top Summer Bel which I rename Topo_S_Bel

    Almost all topo maps you download come as gmapsupp.img in most cases.

    But I do not put all of them on my GPSMAP 66 even if I have the space because it is very easy to leave them all on.
    But I can clearly see how old the maps are leaving the mapset alone.

    Another thing I do not do is turn on both BNL and DE because they over lap on another in coverage.
    So I am hiking or biking in the BeNeLux which has parts of Germany I do not turn on German topo.

    The same if I am in Germany I turn of BeNeLux because of over lapping of areas.
    It does cause problems keeping both on.

    As you can see in my screen shot about that Topo_DE is old.
    I need to get a new version of it.

    On my laptop I have folders for every topo map I have.
    Each one I download I rename the .IMG map by the names I have shown you in the correct folder for use later.

    When I download a newer version of Germany I delete the old one and rename gmapsupp.img to the name I want.

    If I have not been downloading any topo maps for sometime I can also see the date of the one I have on my GPS because I have not changed the mapset.
    Then if I need it I go and get it and replace it on my GPS with a newer map. (If need at that time.)

    Users have to be very careful as to what they are doing this forum is full of users doing thing that screw up things.

    I keep it very simple and have never run into any problems since 2007 with Garmin products or maps.

    If one knows what there are doing then make all the changes you want. (But remember what you changed 3 or 4 months from now.
    That is not always the case with some users......
    Last edited by asprin624; 10th June 2022 at 01:18 PM.

  10. #9
    Member + How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;How to use GMapTool and cgpsmapper to split a Garmin &quot;IMG&quot;
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    Quote Originally Posted by asprin624 View Post
    Why would you need to change anything with the internal name of the .IMG map?
    Lots of reasons, one being that many devices display it....including that of bovirus who stated that in his question.

    There is also another tool to specifically do it, you can read the explanations there: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  11. #10
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    Without "bovirus" explaining his reasons for wanting to change the mapset info it is had to see without an example of what map or maps he is talking about.

    I for one do not spend any time on my maps with the GPSMAP 66 other then turning on one map and turning off the other.
    The rest of the time is with the map screen as I Hike or Bike.
    Same with my SmartDrive 66. I turn it on and plug in where I want to go and drive.
    The mapset info plays no roll as to how I use the GPS.
    I spend most of my time working out what paths I will take in a GPX file or files when I take a group hiking or when I am on vacation.

    This is all done in Mapsource with the same maps I have on all my GPS's then just copied the completed GPX to the GPS

    I know of all this programs at Javawa along with many other tools I have.

    The one program I use all the time is JaVaWa GMTK.

    After installing my maps to the Laptop I use this tool to move them to my portable Hard Drive and free up my Laptop.

    At the moment I have close to 50GB's of maps that I use in Mapsource.
    The JaVaWa GMTK does a very good job of moving installed maps to another location.



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