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    Important User Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
    Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
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    Garmin Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners

    Things Mobile XT users should know:


    \Storage Card\Garmin\sw.unl is Garmin XT software unlock code
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapbmap.img is base mapset at level 30km to 1200km
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapsupp.img is detail mapset no.1 at level 3m to 30km .
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapsupp.unl is unlock code for mapset no.1
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapsup2.img is detail mapset no.2 at level 3m to 30km
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapsup2.unl is unlock code for mapset no.2
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapprom.img is detail mapset no.3 at level 3m to 30km (can't delete in Garmin XT menu)
    \Storage Card\Garmin\gmapprom.unl is unlock code for mapset no.3

    Mapset is a .img file which contains many minor maps (.img) and some configurations in it.

    Mapset is specific by Family ID (FID) and Product ID (PID).

    Base mapset is a rough map. View point is ~30km to 1200 km. Usually it is world mapset. There are several versions from small to large in size.

    Detailed mapset is an accurate map. View point is ~3m to 3km. Usually it is a country mapset with contains all the informations.

    Unlock file (.unl) can contain many unlock codes inside. They are just plain text. Input unlock code of your mapsets in one line (no space between them).

    You can use IMEI-to-UnitID to generate Unit ID for you device.

    You can use JetMouse v1.5 to generate Garmin XT software unlock code and any mapset unlock code.

    Unit ID is 10 characters.

    Unlock code is 25 characters per mapset.

    Garmin MapSource is a software to manage your mapsets, routes and waypoints. Garmin MapSource will transfer maps and waypoints to your device. You need a special mapset to use with Garmin MapSource. But we have the way to import other Garmin format mapset into Garmin Mapsource.

    Garmin mapsets require the unlock code to use in Garmin MapSource too. But we have the way to patch unlock any Garmin mapset.

    My Locations has the same meaning of WayPoints.

    Garmin POI Loader is a software to convert your WayPoints (.gpx) into POI (.gpi).

    look here too [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by catymag; 14th September 2010 at 03:25 AM. Reason: fixed link
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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