Well I don't know of an App you could use in the UK, But I did test a Marine map from a Thread here on my App I use for a OZ/ NZ/ Ontario based Geological mapping program, and it showed it "up there in the Mediterranean" it's mainly to do with geology but the main program starts as travel maps "it's not a goto system ie garmin /TT " but shows you on a map where you are and you place waypoints at your location or where you place one, but you can't edit the co-ord.
But since you have .Mbtiles it will show them and your location and away you go a walking/driven " you can't plan a route or anything like that you need to know where your going."
That program is called Trilobite Solutions and is avail on the Play store for $11.99Au/yr trial 14days.
Your .mbtiles go in the Map directory either internal/sd memory.
Oh I generate .mbtiles and Geojson files of Geological interest to Ozi users.
Any questions post here
Note a single subscription is on for the devices of the same type ie Android or Apple also ie if you had say 3 androids your 1 sub covers all but you need to pay for an Apple.
Well worth the money if it works for you.