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  1. #1
    Junior Member foxyrick's Avatar
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    Apple iPad app that displays MBTiles maps from a USB stick?

    I have the UK OS maps in a 240GB MBTiles database. On my Android that goes on hikes with me I use AlpineQuest (bonus: it reads my older MemoryMap files too). My wife has an iPad Air 4 and I want to put the maps on there for the bigger screen; AlpineQuest is Android only of course. It'll have to go on a USB stick for that.

    So... can anyone recommend me a good app that will do this? I don't need much else in the way of features. Mostly just the ability to read my MBTiles database from the USB, show where I am (GPS), display the multiple zoom levels nicely and not bombard me with adverts and such or track every place I scratch an itch. The ability to enter waypoints, load a simple route or track where I've been would be nice. It must be able to work completely offline although it'll mostly be used sitting in hotel rooms for planning stuff. (It's too expensive to lug that fragile thing on the hills.)

    I don't mind paying for the app if it's good.
    Last edited by Boki; 11th May 2021 at 09:20 PM. Reason: approved

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  3. #2
    IT Administrator iPad app that displays MBTiles maps from a USB stick?
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    Well I don't know of an App you could use in the UK, But I did test a Marine map from a Thread here on my App I use for a OZ/ NZ/ Ontario based Geological mapping program, and it showed it "up there in the Mediterranean" it's mainly to do with geology but the main program starts as travel maps "it's not a goto system ie garmin /TT " but shows you on a map where you are and you place waypoints at your location or where you place one, but you can't edit the co-ord.
    But since you have .Mbtiles it will show them and your location and away you go a walking/driven " you can't plan a route or anything like that you need to know where your going."
    That program is called Trilobite Solutions and is avail on the Play store for $11.99Au/yr trial 14days.
    Your .mbtiles go in the Map directory either internal/sd memory.
    Oh I generate .mbtiles and Geojson files of Geological interest to Ozi users.
    Any questions post here

    Note a single subscription is on for the devices of the same type ie Android or Apple also ie if you had say 3 androids your 1 sub covers all but you need to pay for an Apple.
    Well worth the money if it works for you.
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  4. #3
    Junior Member foxyrick's Avatar
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    Thank you - I'll take a look now. Sounds quite appropriate since my degree is Geochemistry

    I just found out that my wife's iPad doesn't have GPS... only the ones with a SIM slot do. D'oh. Not that it really matters since it will be used mostly just for planning on the bigger screen.
    Last edited by Boki; 12th May 2021 at 05:13 PM. Reason: approved



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