Yes, depending on which languages you choose, they can interfered with each others. A good rule to do is this:
1. Test each voice separately to make sure it works. Use a clean VocalizerEx directory for each install
2. Then copy one additional language over to VocalizerEx and accept overwritten when asked. Test both languages to see if it work
3. Repeat step 2 until you get all the languages you want. WARNING: Not all languages will work together. I've created the North American edition with English(US), French(Canadian), Spanish(Mexican) to proved a case that it worked.
4. Do NOT use any phoneme data, you don't need it on android and it will just screwed up the voice.
Last edited by osiris4isis; 3rd May 2017 at 07:29 PM.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
I don't think there is anything in sys,.txt that could cause your problem. You might have corruption. Uninstall vocalizerex apk, remove VocalizerEx directory. Install vocalizerex apk, recopied over VocalizerEx directory.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
I tried all the voices one at a time and just kept the one i like.
See THIS is why I like you so much, you solved my next problem before I even asked! My TTS had a bad case of insanity, she would spout a string of gibberish before and after the street name! Just deleted the phoneme directory contents and it cleared right up!
Last edited by yellowjacket; 4th May 2017 at 02:24 AM. Reason: spelling
You don't want to copy more than one voice over at once without making sure the one you already have is working; as I said, one dataset could override/corrupt another.
Phoneme is for engine like Loquendo, VocalizerEx doesn't need it and it just confuses it.
BTW, my TTS voice config will work fine with built-in android TTS (no VocalizerEx needed) as well.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
Hello everybody,
Please find attached corrected Greek VocalizerEx language and voice files suitable for iGO Navigation - 14.mar.2017 and Nextgen(Israel) (Jan 26 2017) with the original skins or the latest pongo skin.
This files is correct announcing the driver alerts as well showing correctly the nextgen skins.
Do NOT use any phoneme data
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Last edited by gtop; 4th May 2017 at 09:57 AM.
Hi! Work only on ROOT phone?
Should work fine if your device isn't rooted, just ensure you select tts on in language and input got it working with Google tts
IGO My Israel + not see this voice ..
I'm using iGO Navigation, the tts you have to enable it first in your phone settings, under language and input (make sure you hear the output in the setting). then in igo -> content -> voice folder place in the TTS voice you want, I found than if I have more than one TTS voices would clash so I just placed the one I wanted to use.
Start up IGO and then settings, regional settings, voice language and select the TTS voice you placed (should say it pronounces street names) it'll playback the voice when selected.
note: in phone settings I just used standard google tts (downloaded appropriate language or so) I didn't install the vocalizerex app and still works fine. (phone not rooted as well)