Puuh, zip is not = zip !??
I tried that on two cheap "China" Navis, one NozaTec (WinCE 6.0) and a Hieha (Android):
I simply wanted to change some wrong translated phrases in Info.ini of a xxxTTS_Voice.zip (content/voice). But as soon as I restart iGO it stops loading after a view seconds (exceptional error...). Copying back the org xxxTTS_Voice.zip iGO starting normal again.
Even if I just let 7zip in Windows unpack and repack the xxxTTS_Voice.zip containing exactly the same (visible?) folders and files without any change it is now corrupted somehow..
There must be more in a xxxTTS_Voice.zip but only zip, may be some hidden manifest etc..pp ??
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you! Now I remember I had a similar situation creating zip's for very old handys many years ago.
So the basics of today's iGO soft must be still year 2005 or so...
I would assumed that its "zip engine" is still old and odd. There is a way around it (allowing to create *.zip instead of updating); but that's a different story. If you are experience in modding, you know not to change everything at once. So updating small changes, test and make sure it works before proceeding is wise.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
Good advice and I do nothing else since so many years now.. This whole navi thing is giant again and I'm not sure how much patience I am able to invest. Actually to me the most german female voices sound like "Grandma saying to grandchild: clear your room now - immediately!" and you have to hear this voice navigating from morning to evening.. There is only one Steffi_TTS_Pro_Plus_Nuance in iGO 9.8 (WinCE) who sounds a bit more charming.
But I think the tts voices sound is not in content/voice zips but somewhere in tts_nua_v5\ged\speech? I'm afraid to transport the sound of this tts voice to iGO 9.6.29 in Android (VocalizerEX or Loquendo) is one of the harder things to do...