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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2014
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    Wink iGO 8.3.5 and TTS voices

    Hi everyone!

    I have a DIN2 WinCE6 in-dash GPS system and it is working fine with iGO 8.3.5.x and also with Primo 2.4.x.
    I read that some folks could make iGO 8.3.5 work with TTS voices. As such, I am using iGO and test it with few TTS version voices and found out that versions 5 and 8 TTS does not work but it does work with version 6.
    However, it partially works and that is the reason of message. For example, when I select the TTS voice "Kate" (v6) I get the welcome message and when I use the GPS, if I change the route I get the voice saying "recalculating" but that's about it. There are no street names, no other sounds or turn left or right, nothing.
    I would appreciate any suggestions please.

    The two pictures attached are snap shots of my relevant file and folders on the SD.

    Here is my info about the system:

    The system is located at:
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    The sys.txt file content:
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