@ yousef
delete branding.zip, skins, ux, ... leaving only data.zip
add in sys.txt
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Last edited by Brown Dog; 18th April 2015 at 07:07 PM.
If you want answer, give precise informations.
How did you loose that icon?
What data.zip, branding.zip (if you have it), and what skin you have.
yousef !
Instead combine files - do what you have already written - Uninstall a program properly, clean and reinstall.
And if the same thing happens again - before asking another question - answer us first to the question that you asked Boki_Srb - unfortunately we can not read your mind and do not know what you have and where.
Apk version and branding and data.zip is so much that sometimes downloading from various sources can make good gulash instead of running the program.
Dear all,
you asked for precise information. and clean uninstall and install again. ok
- About the information regarding the branding, data, ...etc. I downloaded everything from one source which is :
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and I downloaded just one file which is "iGO ART" 233 MB (244,896,447 bytes) one .rar file.
No idea what is the data and branding version "nyky" choose.
on my PC:
- I extract the .rar and i did the following:
- there is no Branding in that folder (nyky did that).
- I deleted everything in the folder "ux" and "skin". ----(now using default skin)
- I added contents to maps, building, POI, SpeedCam, dem (everything for middle east) and all of that from another source.
on my Galaxy Note 3,
- I uninstalled the ".APK". and deleted the folder iGO.
finally I copied the folder from the PC to the note3 to be like this : storage\emulated\0\iGO
- switch on the GPS on the phone option.
- installed the apk.
- passing the setup wizard.
when I click on a point in the map then "more", I have the following options:
- Places around cursor.
- add to favorites.
- show cursor position.
- show last known position
- Report alert point.
- Historical Traffic.
- current traffic -----(disabled)
there is no Icon in #1
in #17 next one, you will find the "sys" file and another file showing a "list of sub-folders and their files", ordered by folder-names
about how I lost the icon, really if i know How i did; I will fix that problem but I didn't remember I just woke up without it
what information you need else?
Thank you 4 helping me guys.
Last edited by yousef; 19th April 2015 at 09:16 AM.
1. screen for this version - radar icon visible! - Click icon - More / options 5-6 - Report Alert Point, and Edit Alert Point:
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If you want to add a point - click Report Alert Point - look -
Spoiler: screen's
1. Type selections Alert
2. Select the Direction of alert and speed limit
3. click - save (bottom right)
If you want to edit a point - click Edit Alert Point - look -
Spoiler: screen's
If you want to change something in the saved point - click the Edit Alert Point: - look screen
change you need and save !!!
And all!
New Point - look
click map / More / Report Alert Point / - and repeat what I wrote in 1,2,3
Simply can not be explained!
Spoiler: screen's
And so in the future - help with understanding the User's Mannual for iGO - there you have everything explained and illustrated. Instructions can be found on the Forum
regards wojpen