I have an Erisin ES5395U head unit in my car, it's just like a tablet..
Spoiler: device
It is running IGO Primo My Way barsarsoft Dec 16 2014 which came from Erisin already loaded..
It "forgets" the settings you chose for the three data fields in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, set them to what you want and on the next restart it reverts to default.... not a massive issue but pretty annoying...
Also if you ask it to show the speed limit on the screen the roundel with the speed in is above the "menu" button but is overlapping the top of the button making it difficult to press....
Apart from that it works great...
Anyone know how to fix these issues or should I just junk it and install something else entirely from here, if so which one is best (and easiest as I'm old and wrinkly and was brought up on pen and paper and not these new fangled computermebob things... although I can usually find my way round things...!!!)
I did try the search function and have read tons on here but not this particular problem.
Thanks for reading this far... hope you can help...
Last edited by Boki; 23rd August 2017 at 09:16 PM.
Unfortunately, this is not true in all cases (life isn't simple). It depends on the codes. The code can uses setting in sys.txt if it's available, or use default if it's not. In either cases, if the code uses persistent variable type, the setting should be remembered. One possible reason that it is not is your device don't have access control for writing in certain directory.
Last edited by osiris4isis; 24th August 2017 at 09:22 PM.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
Thanks, I knew it would be way above my pay grade.... Oh well....
Yes osiris,
But if something is set in sys.txt, it always overrides setting from program on next start, that is true.
So this is first thing to check, if not, then we could go on with investigation.
One example is setting driving timers to "0" in sys.txt to reset them on each new run.
What are the settings for datafields in sys.txt?
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
This is what is in my sys.txt anyone an idea what I should change please...
Spoiler: sys
Thanks Pete
Last edited by Boki; 25th August 2017 at 06:53 PM.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.
This is the other problem...
Spoiler: pic
Last edited by Boki; 25th August 2017 at 06:51 PM.
Hmmm, are you using any skin? Your device is android and has 1GB RAM, consider using NextGen. If you want to try NextGen, first back up iGO/Primo, then installed a fully cracked version of it.
Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.