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  1. #1
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    Default IGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulator

    So a friend of mine has sent me a sdcard with IGO9 software version he's been struggling to change language setting on device has he can't find any options to do it...
    We even tought sdcard only had english language but not ia has more so i assume it must some somewhere on program options....

    Got a win ce emulator that i am running from my computer copy IGO folder to it but keeps giving me "fatal error occurred". Screen resolutin is ok 800x600 and i even change my screen resolution to match... no luck. Any idea why it gives this error?
    It runs fine on 7" head radio unit and it has also WIN CE 6.0 system.

    this is my sys file
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  3. #2
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    Can't help you with the emulator, but language settings are found from the main screen by following the path
    "more/settings/sound and warnings"

    Sent from my SM-A310Y using Tapatalk

  4. #3
    iGO Enthusiast IGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulator
    IGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulator
    Boki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NuNGP View Post
    ...he's been struggling to change language setting on device ...
    Device language has nothing with iGO language

    Btw, the size of the device screen has nothing to do with software. Only resolution.
    I test almost daily in the emulator and have no problems. That igo is certainly not original.
    If you want to avoid the packages and that someone just stuffed there, and thus avoid problems, just use [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] posted on this Forum.
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  5. #4
    Member Morganso's Avatar
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    Emulator runs only with one map. No basemap.
    The '' lang '' folder contains the languages of the software, its all ok?

  6. #5
    iGO Enthusiast IGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulator
    IGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulatorIGO PRIMO on WINCE 6 emulator
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    Emulator can run up to 3-5 maps. Actually depends on their size and other contents.
    There are usually no problems with two or three languages.
    But it is safer to use one at a time...
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  7. #6
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    I think i might explain wrong its not device language but igo language itself its in english wanted to try on emulator to see if i could change it.

    I also think its original package it is a sdcard from these universal head unit and i am pretty sure its not been been messed around.

    Indeed emulator only has 256mb memory going to delete some maps and test again. Thanks

    well just let you guys know that i manage to open igo on win ce emulator after deleting several maps/poi... guess what Boki_Srb has a point i think this igo version is only in english and can't find any options to change it even though i had other language file on it... here's a picture of it some frodo guy... going to follow advice and download clean package and try from there with new 2019q4 maps... i just need to replace igo folder from sd card unit right? And keep and eye on sys file.
    going to try this package iGO Primo 2.4 v. - Honda Civic Reborn
    or this one [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] both should work right? Although bandid version is 9.8.26

    Going to try
    Thank you guys!

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