; # TA FRC_A mapping
; # FRC -> class
; # 1 -> 0 Motorways
; # 2 -> 1 Major Roads of High Importance
; # 3 -> 2 Other Major Roads
; # 4 -> 4 Secondary Roads
; # 5 Local Roads of High Importance
; # 5.1 -> 8 Local roads that are the main connections in a settlement
; # 5.2 -> 9 Roads through which important through-traffic is possible
; # 6 -> 10 Local Roads (Roads used to travel within a part of a settlement,Roads of minor connecting importance in a rural area)
; # 7 -> 12 Local Roads of Minor Importance
; # 8 -> 13 Other Roads
; # arrière-plan visible à grande échelle
0 = "ground", 215, 230, 205 ; vert pâle
; couleurs des routes : x_int couleur intérieure, x_ext bordure
; et xw représentations en fil de fer des routes x
; # autoroutes (A4, A10 , ..)
a = "0_int",255,215,16
A = "0_ext",173,158,90
; # axes rapides urbains (A86, A104 la francilienne, périphérique)
s = "freeway_int",255,215,16
S = "freeway_ext",173,158,90
; # routes Nationales
b = "1_int",245,0,0
B = "1_ext",0,0,0
; # autres routes principales (D190, D927, N184, grands boulevards)
c = "2_int", 245,0,0
C = "2_ext",0,0,0
; # routes secondaires (départementales importantes, D22, D922, D680)
d = "4_int", 255,255,0
D = "4_ext",0,0,0
; # routes locales (petites départementales, D2, D55, D227)
e = "9_int",255,255,125
E = "9_ext",0,0,0
; # rues importantes, avenues
f = "8_int",255,255,255
F = "8_ext",0,0,0
; # rues (rue des Réservoirs, avenue du Gal Leclerc à Triel)
g = "10_int",255,255,255
G = "10_ext",0,0,0
; # petites rues, impasses, allées
h = "12_int",255,255,255
H = "12_ext",0,0,0
; # autres petites rues
i = "13_int",255,255,255
I = "13_ext",0,0,0
j = "lowdetail_low_junc_int",255,255,255
J = "lowdetail_low_junc_ext",000,000,000
k = "lowdetail_hi_junc_int",255,255,255
K = "lowdetail_hi_junc_ext",000,000,000
l = "4w",255,255,255
L = "4w",000,000,000
m = "8w",255,255,255
M = "8w",000,000,000
n = "9w",255,255,255
N = "9w",000,000,000
o = "10w",255,255,255
O = "10w",000,000,000
p = "12w",255,255,255
P = "12w",000,000,000
Q = "13w",100,100,100
q = "13w",100,100,100
R = "fable", 255, 0, 0 ; rouge
r = "fable", 127, 0, 0
Y = "fable", 255, 255, 0 ; jaune
y = "fable", 127, 127, 0
; # route sans revêtement (route non pavée)
u = "unpaved", 121, 78, 0
U = "unpaved_ext",74,74,74
; # route à revêtement abimé
v = "poor", 215, 209, 160
V = "poor_ext",74,74,74
: # rue piétonne
z = "ped", 255,204,255
Z = "ped_ext",74,74,74
x = "ferry", 255,255,255
X = "ferry_ext",000,000,136
w = "train_ferry", 255,255,255
W = "train_ferry_ext",000,000,136
t = "1w",255,239,193
T = "1w",255,150,90
1 = "orszaghatar szine", 200,200,200
2 = "megyehatarok szine", 180,180,180
3 = "kulterulethatarok szine", 100,100,100
4 = "nagyvaros kerulethatarok szine", 100,100,100
5 = "viz szine, couleur de l'eau", 0,0,220
; Shape colors
; color_name = <texture_id>,<R>,<G>,<B>
; textures visibles si polygone texture coché dans option
; si texture_id = -1 alors c'est la couleur RGB qui s'applique
space = 0, 0, 0, 0
stars = 0,200,200,200
;Built Up Areas
; # arrière-plan
Partition_area = 9, 215, 230, 205
; # zone urbaine
built_up = 8, 253,181,123
built_up_border = 1, 255, 128, 0
;District =
;Water elements
sweet_water = 6, 128,179,255
salt_water = 6, 128,179,255
intermittent_water = 6, 128,179,255
;Land Use / Land Cover
; # plage/dune/sable (Beach/Dune/Sand Area)
;sand_area =
; # Glacier: Big hunk of ice
;glacier =
; # vergers et plantations (Orchard or plantation area)
;orchard =
; # broussailles (Scrub brush area)
;scrub =
; # Tundra: Area of nearly always freezing soil
;tundra =
; # marais et marécages (Wetland or swamp area)
wetland = 6, 153,255,204
;Parc municipal, Forêt, Parc National
city_park = 4, 161,237,153
state_forest = 3, 161,237,153
National_Park = 3, 161,237,153
;National_Park_border = 1, 89, 185, 86
; # surfaces boisées en ville
city_forest = 1, 161,237,153
;nem other_forest = 1, 000,255,000
;Artificial Surface
; # aéroport
airport_ground = 4, 132,132,132
; # piste d'aéroport
airport_runway = 2, 000,000,000
;Amusement_Park_Ground =
; # constructions
building = 0, 209,143,128
; # cimetières
cemetery_ground = 5, 146,224,139
;Company_Ground =
;Golf_Course_Ground =
;Hospital_Ground =
; # zones industrielles
industrial_area = 2, 180,180,180
; # zones ferrovières
Railway_area = 7, 000,000,000
;Industrial_Harbour_Area =
;Institution =
;Marina_Area =
;Military_Territory =
;Open_Parking_Area =
;Parking_Garage_Ground =
;Shopping_Center_Ground =
;Stadium_Ground =
;University_or_College_Ground =
;Other_Land_Use =
;Line shapes
; # voies ferrées
railway = 2, 0,0,0
; # frontières
international_border = -1, 0,0,0
region_border = -1, 241,186,153
political_border = -1, 20,200,60
;Pipeline =
;Powerline =
;Shoreline =
;User shapes, can be of line or polygon type
; if used, the layer name must be defined
; at conversion time
area_a = 4, 176,176,176
area_b = 3, 204,204,204
area_c = 2, 240,240,240
;user2 =
;user3 =
;user4 =
;user5 =
;user6 =
;user7 =
;user8 =
; Label Colors
; # noms des rues
label_road = "", 0,0,0
; # nom des rues en dessous d'un certain niveau de zoom
label_roadlt = "", 90,90,90
; # noms des villes
label_settlements = "", 0,0,0
; # bordure boite d'info des POIs
label_poi = "",0,127,0
; # texte nom autoroute, freeway et routes
road_shield = "", 250, 250, 250
; # texte nom des routes européennes Exx
road_box = "", 250,250,0
; # fond du cartouche des autoroutes Axx
shield_fill = "", 247,238,000
; # bordure cartouche
shield_border = "", 0, 0, 0
; # fond cartouche routes européennes Exx
box_fill = "", 114, 114, 177
; # fond cartouche routes Nxx et Dxx
light_shield = "", 114, 177, 114
; # ?
light_shield_ext = "", 114, 114, 114
; # texte nom routes dans panneau 3D
roadlabel_fill = "", 255,255,255
; # bordure panneau 3D
roadlabel_frame = "", 255,0,0
; # pied panneau 3D
roadlabel_stick = "", 0,0,0
; # itinéraire
planned_road = "",255,000,255
planned_road_ext = "",0,65,124
planned_road_visited = "",0,127,0
planned_road_visited_ext = "",0,35,64
planned_road_future = "",0,127,0
planned_road_future_ext = "",0,35,64
; # routes interdites sur itinéraire
planned_road_prohibited = "",150,150,150
planned_road_prohibited_ext = "",127,0,0
planned_road_inactive = "",164,164,164
planned_road_inactive_ext = "",92,92,92
district.1 = 8, 255,186,136
district.2 = 8, 255,206,136
district.3 = 8, 255,186,156
district.4 = 8, 235,206,156
district.5 = 8, 235,206,136
district.6 = 8, 235,186,156
; System colors
; # couleur de l'horizon
hazecolor = 0,165,203,247
; # couleurs et police échelle
zoomcolor1 = 0, 0,60,0
zoomcolor2 = 0, 255,255,255
zoomcolorfont = 0,0,60,0
zoomcolorglow = 0,255,255,255
; # flèche de position
carcolorint = 0,0,64,255
; # bordure flèche de position
carcolorext = 0,255,255,255
; # position réelle du gps
carcolorghostint = 0, 150, 150, 150
carcolorghostext = 0, 50, 50, 50
; # flèche de direction
nextarrowcolor = 0,70,70,70
; # petit icône POIs
; # icônes à taille normale POIs
; #
; # puces représentant les villes
; #
; # palette de textures
; # images de fond de jour et de nuit
; params: x = <intR> <intG> <intB> <extR> <extG> <extB>
; x: 1-n (0 is reserved for the not visible track type)
1 = 200,0,0,255,255,255
2 = 255,85,0,235,65,0
3 = 0,255,128,0,235,108
4 = 255,0,0,235,0,0
5 = 0,213,255,0,193,235
6 = 0,0,255,0,0,235
7 = 128,0,255,108,0,235
8 = 0,255,0,0,235,0
9 = 255,255,128,235,235,108
10 = 255,198,0,235,168,0