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Yes that's correct, *.img files are the sole map data files that are directly...
Hi @Neil hope ur weather is fine... just found out that .img are the only files...
Garmin Cyclops Mar-15 AustraliaNewZealand Mar-14-2025 Belux Mar-14-2025...
At member's request updated link @post #6
GPS Compass Navigator v2.20.34 [Pro] [Mod Extra] Requirements: 8.0+ What's...
info: tested it works under Android 14 [OSCAL Tiger 13 5G-Handy] Garmin...
CoPilot GPS [Google Play]...
Last: Speedcams Spain 12/03/2025 radars spain 12.03.2025
Thank you, I shall try that when I get the time :cool: That also explains why...
SCDB World/Europe All cameras geographically correspond to the file name 13...
Yes that's correct, *.img files are the sole map data files that are directly...
IMPORTANT! If you want HELP in...