Hello to everyone, give me a guide to install it on external SD on car stereo android 5.1.1, Thank you
since you insist with this, yes, the rw permissions were allright. in all the right places. and the folder was where it should have been. it's just that i'm no expert with installing igo. nor with android for that matter. i'm just an *amybe above average user, who couldn't install it. because of the way android names the external card. even if one program can "see" it as /sdcard2 and /storage/ext_sd and a few more, apparently igo doesn't. because... who knows why. actually, because "linux". and that's the reason it will never replace other operating systems for the average user.
and then i decided i should try all of the damn symlinks. that's all
Hello to everyone, give me a guide to install it on external SD on car stereo android 5.1.1, Thank you
1.install the apk...
2.run once and then restart your device...
3.after restarting go with your file explorer:
extSD .. Android/data/com.nng.igo.primong.igoworld/files/....<- here put base folder..
and put your base folder....
from settings -> appManager -> iGO Navigation select (force stop) + (clear cache memory) and try....
little attention about apk from #2 or #3 has small difference
about the folder_name and installation path...see more in the current post.....
Hi everyone,
I'm getting an error at loading: COntent error: global_cfg not found.
Could you please help me out?
Just check if there is a global_cfg.zip within the iGO_World/content/global_cfg <-folder...
else update your post with some information about your android version, apk position ....etc
Yes... can happen on JB or rooted devices...
Last edited by modemakias; 27th July 2017 at 08:15 PM.
Hello modemakias,
Thank you for your answer.
Yes the global_cfg zip is in the right folder.
Non rooted Android 7.1.1.
What do you mean by apk position?
Thank you!
Last edited by Boki; 15th August 2017 at 06:14 PM.
i mean.. your apk is from first #1, #2 or #3 post ??
ok. first try from internal...
put the base folder internal and rename as "iGO_Word".. delete from inside, if exist save folder...
from settings -> appmanager -> iGO Navigation -> select (force stop) + (clear cache memory) ... restart and try.........
Last edited by modemakias; 28th July 2017 at 09:58 AM.
Now i have the apk from the first post, but i've tried with both and i have the same error.
i am using this program with sony xperia x compact. the default map is where i live (israel). i can search for other address abroad, however when i am trying to see POI around the address abroad the program crushes. and
i need to activate it again. its only crushing where search for POI around a point aboard.... any ideas ?
I've changed the sys.txt and it started!!!
Thank you so much for your time!