route goes to save/profiles/ 01/ routes...
I am using Igo navigation since more than 8 years, versions 8.xx, Primo and now Nextgen .
My issue is about saved routes which are not available when I add them to Igo Nextgen; let me explain:
I have on my PC the version Igo-PC, which I use to create routes with different waypoint and so on, at the end I save the route from Igo_PC interface to my PC, and as result I get a file named routeZZ,dat.
For Igo 8.xx or Igo Primo I always transfer these files into navigation device to the folder ....\save\routes\
Once this is done, I can load any route already created on my navigation device and use it during my trip.
All this procedure do not work on Igo Nextgen, both version for wince or for Android.
I do not see the route on it.
Does anyone know which setting or what is missing (maybe a specific .zip file to be added into UX foder) in order to make Igo nextgen working with my saved routes?
Thanks ,
route goes to save/profiles/ 01/ routes...
thanks for reply but it does not work.
I am using on a tablet with Android the Igo nextgen version
I did a new test changing the place where I saved the folder routes to following location:
save / profiles / 01 / users / 00 /routes/
this is the path that I see when i connect my tablet to computer
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Last edited by Igo_BV; 8th August 2018 at 06:36 PM.