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  1. #11
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    Where can I get .wav files in English please?

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  3. #12
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    Here in first post you have some english speedcam audio warning. If you do not like that, then best way is to make them yourself. Depends what exactly you are looking for.
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    Last edited by Boki; 29th May 2020 at 06:04 PM. Reason: removed unnecessary quote

  4. #13
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kikiupload View Post
    First I compared plugin.ini. My original was empty, no any code,
    Until a few years ago it was customary to have the plugin.ini empty and to have the speedcam controls at the bottom of the sys.

    and nens plugin.ini is not empty.
    Because later the commands of the Speedcams have been transferred to the plugin.ini.

    Well, my system language on my smartphone is English, and why in Speedcam Voice section I see that SC1063 and can't be changed
    You are mixing things up , one is the Pongo Skin and what you call "no Skin" is nothing more than a minimalist Skin from Arimi, and they work differently.

    This three files I added to my speedcam.zip:
    - plugin.ini (ux/speedcam/plugin.ini)
    - speedcam.lua (ui_nextgen\common\ui)
    - speedcam_obs.ui (ui_nextgen\common\ui)
    It was enough to replace only the plugin.ini, the other two files will only give you problems, they are configured for the Pongo Skin and you use them on the Arimi Skin.
    Each Skinners recommends the use of their plugins only in their Skins.

    You probably already have the commands for the Speedcam in the "no Skin" sys, so you have to decide whether to keep them there or delete them and keep only those in the plugin.ini ..... the sys has priority over everything, what is written in sys it overrides any command found elsewhere, Apk, data, branding, plugin into the ux folder.

    But if some expert guys wanna explain this...
    The experience is made a little reading, but above all by banging our head in the first person ......

    Quote Originally Posted by cristicdr View Post
    Where can I get .wav files in English please?
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    Last edited by BIRBANTE; 29th May 2020 at 08:23 PM.

  5. #14
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    Thanks for clarifying some things.
    I know that my method was not the right way, but it was the only way to make it work with my knowledge, it was fast shortcut

    So, now I have some start point, where I can try figure out how this stuff works.

    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post
    ...It was enough to replace only the plugin.ini, the other two files will only give you problems, they are configured for the Pongo Skin and you use them on the Arimi Skin.
    Each Skinners recommends the use of their plugins only in their Skins.
    Well, you see, first I tried with that nens complete speedcam.zip and it worked with my no skin/Arimi Skin, just it was messy design.
    And yes, after that as I said above I did tried replace only that plugin.ini, but it didn't work. So, I start copy file by file to see when it will trigger my .wav audio.

    I agree with you, that others files will give me trouble if I replace them. But that means that or audio files are in wrong place or I need some additional code command to trigger .wav files, or both, because replace only plugin.ini didn't work for me.

    As you said here:
    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE
    ..."just look at the folder that is considered by the Software and insert the wav audio files into it."
    I did not understand, in which exact folder I should insert .wav for Arimi Skin? Because I put them in ui_nextgen/audio/SC1063
    Do not know where should be for Arimi skin.

    My goal is to have speed camera warnings for fixed and mobile camera, for TTS version and nonTTS, and thats it.

    - I have configured that for TTS version (Arimi skin)
    - Nens helped with Pongo skin for NonTTS.
    - And I have at the moment this "wrong way" NonTTS for Arimi skin.
    Last edited by kikiupload; 29th May 2020 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #15
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kikiupload View Post
    But that means that or audio files are in wrong place
    I am convinced of this, but you wrote:

    I realized later that it use files from SC1063, and I can select any language in regional settings.
    and then I told you to use what the software sees. Generally Arimi for Speedcam uses folders divided by Nations, (speedcam_de, speedcam_en, speedcam_it, etc.) which allows you to choose from the menu.
    What folders do you have inside ui_nexttgen / audio in addition to the DA folders?
    Try clicking several times in the Alert points / Speedcam voice: section to see if it shows you some other folder instead of the SC1063.

    or I need some additional code command to trigger .wav files
    The commands to activate the wav audio sounds / voices are those written in the sys or plugin.ini:

    activated_speech="Speed camera ahead."
    approach_beep_distances=175 ;0=repeat constantly "Speed camera.", 150=original
    approach_beep_speech="Speed camera."

    skin_repeat_distance=200 ;0=do not repeat "Fixed_Camera"

    overspeed_speech="Reduce your speed."
    overspeed_min_speech_repeat_delay=-1 ;-1=do not say "Reduce your speed.", 10=original
    overspeed_min_tone_repeat_delay=-1 ;-1=do not repeat ding

    The green part concerns the TTS Voices, the blue part concerns the non-TTS Voices, the red ones are the names of the audio files.

    My goal is to have speed camera warnings for fixed and mobile camera, for TTS version and nonTTS
    With the DA1040 and SC1040 folders with the indications in the plugin.ini for the wav audio files I have the TTS and not TTS warnings in Israel with the Pongo Skin, and with the DA1040 and speedcam_it folders I have the TTS and not TTS warnings on Pal-estine with the Arimi Skin ......

    If you see the folders divided by country, that of Croatia does not exist, (speedcam_hr), you can try to create it and see if it allows you to choose it, otherwise use one of those that are there, put in your wav audio files and choose that.

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post
    Generally Arimi for Speedcam uses folders divided by Nations, (speedcam_de, speedcam_en, speedcam_it, etc.) which allows you to choose from the menu.
    What folders do you have inside ui_nexttgen / audio in addition to the DA folders?
    Try clicking several times in the Alert points / Speedcam voice: section to see if it shows you some other folder instead of the SC1063.
    It started to get a little bit confusing for me, let me summarize from the start.

    1. If I use/replace things from 3rd post here:
    - the_skin_by_pongo.zip
    - speedcam.zip
    - sys (code for [warning] and [speedcam_category:0])
    - and I create SC1063 folder with my .wav and place that folder in:

    Because my ui_nextgen is empty, there was nothing there. And I put in SC1063 because in alert settings I can see that line (SC1063), but I can't change it. And I can select any language and voice in regional settings, the only thing that matters is that .wav must be in that SC1063 folder.
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    -> with that configuration everything is OK. My .wav is working!

    2. If I do not copy the_skin_by_pongo.zip, and use that speedcam.zip, with SC1063 folder, and sys too
    => everything is working too. Just desing is messy because there is no pongo skin. But it's working.

    3. If I use just that sys, without pongo skin and without speedcam.zip from 3rd post.
    So just original speedcam.zip, and my no skin/armini skin, and I place .wav in same place as above. And I tried to put in SC2057, SC1050, SC1063, and just itself in audio folder, I tried to put .wav in speedcam.zip too.
    => .wav is not working, I get only beep sound warning.

    Because you see, in armini skin I have only this options, it's not even close to that pongo settings.
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    And that's what is confusing me, I do not know where exactly put .wav files for armini skin. And my ui_nextgen folder (iGO_World\ui_nextgen\) was empty there was nothing inside, until I start testing with audio folder and SC folders.
    And that's why I started to replace some files from speedcam.zip (3rd post) to my original speedcam.zip, because that's only way I found out how to make it work with that armini skin, I know it's not right way.
    So if you know in which exactly folder put my wav for armini skin, I'm all ears for testing.

  8. #17
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    To understand all your problems I installed your version of iGO_World, including some driving tests.

    With the "Basic" version, the SC and DA folders do not see them, so with the non-TTS voice there are neither the speedcam warnings nor the Driver Alerts. The Speedcam.zip file does not contain icons or categories, they are located in the_skin, so the commands I put them in the sys. The speedcam and the_skin_by_pongo files cannot be used with the original plugins which are optimized for another Skin.

    With the Pongo Skin you acquire several additional functions, such as Voice Recognition, (but not the Weather), but the SC and DA folders do not see them. Indicates the SC1063 and DA1063, but even if I rename mine that way they don't work.

    With the Basic Skin it is too synthetic and with the Pongo Skin it accuses the weight and becomes less fluid and tending to lock.

    Completely negative opinion, in my opinion you should install Israel, (the APK accommodated for VR and TMC), with the Pongo skin, with the non-TTS voice you have the wav sound warnings, with the TTS voice you have the voice warnings, moreover you can use the internal TTS voices tts_nua_ve1 instead of the VocalizerEx.

    If it seems to you that it has too many functions, simply don't activate them ...... it doesn't seem appropriate to continue playing Frankestein with the version you have now.

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post
    To understand all your problems I installed your version of iGO_World, including some driving tests.
    Thank you for trying that iGO version. I was start to think that something is wrong with me that I'm missing something.
    Yeah, I'll try that version you recommended. Audio files in nextgen

    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post
    You should install Israel
    Israel - from where that version use speedcam icons?

    With my previous version iGO NG - 19.JUN.2018., it was enough just to replace all this speedwarn files in speedcam.zip (ui_nextgen\res\common\) or just put new speedcam.zip and new icons for speedcam would appear.

    But with Israel version, speedcam icons are always the same no matter what I try.
    So, I deleted speedcam.zip, icons are still there, I deleted everything in ux folder speedcam still there, then I deleted all files I could find with speedwarn name, in data.zip (ui_nextgen\res\common) just to see will they disappear, still there. I tried to replace speedwarn files (in speedcam.zip and data.zip) them as well, but nothing happens. I even tried replace completely data.zip and use it from my previous iGO version.
    If I replace them they are there, if I delete them still there and always the same icons.

  10. #19
    iGO Enthusiast Audio files in nextgen
    Audio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgenAudio files in nextgen
    Boki's Avatar
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    You should read a little more material on the forum
    It can be in data.zip, skin.zip, gpsmore_gemeric.zip, some extra ux's, some branding.zip...there is everything here.
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  11. #20
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    Come on, don't be like that, I'm already going crazy because of this
    I've been trying to figure it out for hours. Yeah, I did read about that files you mentioned, I saw tutorials here, threads and all that.
    Because I deleted everything in ux, icons still here, then I try deleted everything (all speedwarn) in data.zip icons are still there. It didn't make sense to me.

    So, I tried one more time. All cleared, in ux folder and data.zip (speedwarn) in the same time now.

    I finally figured it out!!
    I guess it was using icons from two places, from ux folder and from data.zip. Or in this crazy time for me, I missed to delete some file in process

    I deleted all speedwarn files in data.zip, and in ux folder it was in "gpsandmore_alert_points_israel".
    Now I need a break, this was too much for me
    Last edited by Boki; 31st May 2020 at 06:13 PM. Reason: removed unnecessary quote




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