my iGO_Pal with Pongo: I confirm everything exactly like this
I tried all server settings one by one, no difference.
Must say here in the netherlands for me profile_name=nng-igo-tmc-iphone works best, loads the list fastest.
Forgot to say that sometimes when I leave iGO open let's say one minute later traffic seems to connect, see that on the button.
Difficult to know it's the actual situation and a bit later weather is there but when I long press the weather button I have a message on top in yellow the the weather info is outdated.
Restart iGO and everything is normal and connects at once, weather without the warning.
Last edited by rider; 23rd August 2021 at 06:56 PM.
my iGO_Pal with Pongo: I confirm everything exactly like this
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
I must say I never tried without skin Pongo.
Maybe the problem is the weather and tmc online ux from pongo.
make a test with ohter Skin ? 🌝
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
Last edited by kwbs; 25th August 2021 at 08:05 PM.
@ kwbs and all
Renamed the weather ux two days ago, launched iGO this morning with internet connecttion of course, first a X on the trafficbutton for a few seconds and than there was traffic.
So I agree, I think these two are trying to connect at the same time together.
The solution could be to built a delay in one of the ux ?
Last edited by rider; 26th August 2021 at 02:21 PM.
I've just started NG with Pongo - on my tablet and smartphone
I waited until TMC finished counting with messages
then called up the weather via the menu, tapped on [current location] ...
... and get the current weather data immediately displayed on both devices *woww*
changed / updated the days I only have the Lang DE from Titanic
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
@ rondoan
Back again, after parking the car for 3 days first launch of iGO no traffic ( waited for 20 min, still a X on the button.
The weather ux still disabled, renamed.
Second launch immediately traffic.
So the weather ux is not the problem, not for me.
@rider; I as well; very rarely do I need weather online, better keep your fingers wet and up
Bon Voyage!
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
Agree, missing the weather info is not the problem but traffic is nice to have.
But it's clear now that the weather ux is not the problem.
I think now that launching iGO twice is the only solution and than weather and traffic works as expected.
I'm afraid it is what it is.