I, perhaps, would have tried to "radically" change the font size (and the color, if possible) of the visible message and/or, also think, maybe about a relevant image (Colorful? Big Final flag?) Instead of such a "black textual announcement".
change the language in order to hear your native voice announcement
Needless to mess with it too 😉
To my ears and to my complete satisfaction - kobi v200897 is the same native voice as kobi v1.1.
And without the "reached_your_destination-zip" does your voice say nothing? Are you driving past your destination without an announcement?
I can't believe .....
The questions were addressed to "kwbs"
You did not answer the second question .....
Yes, I did:
The truth is, I did not bother to dwell on it because either I got used to it or, I used LUNA and WAZE much more and did not need to deal with it specifically.
Anyway @Golom, thanks for driving me to fix it, the "unbelievable"
I've searched in all iGO PAL for kobi v200897 file - The file which solved for me the missing "reached_your_destination" voice announcement and, I didn't find it.
Any idea about the location of this file?
Last edited by kwbs; 29th September 2021 at 10:51 PM.
Coming back to this thread, after permanently using reached_your_destination.zip.
Everything is as expected. The announcement starts in-front of the destination and is more than perfect to me.
The only disadvantage is that when it is triggered, then the setting Announce System Messages switches to on even though is initially set to off.
Spoiler: ++
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So every time I arrive to the destination, I have to go to settings and turn this off or live with hearing the ""Are you sure you want to exit navigation?"" message.
I tried to change this by deleting the below paragraph in reached_your_destination.lua file with no luck.
@kwbs I have tried it. I deleted the "Are you sure you want to exit navigation? \n Please make sure no children or pets left in the car." from Dictionary.lang (in lang folder) and dictionary.voice (in voice folder) files.
Then, while pressing the exit button, I had a blank popup -yes or no- window without any audible announcement. �Announce System Messages� setting had also be changed to on.
It wasn't so nice but it was partially doing the job. No audible message while exiting navigation. Any other System Message (displayed as a readable popup confirmation window) was audible and that was also annoying. I had to switch the �Announce System Messages� setting to off every time I was reaching my destination or delete all relevant audible System messages from the voice and language files.
Then I saw the �MODEL.lua.ReadOutSystemMessages� variable and that did the trick!
After deleting the below paragraph in reached_your_destination.lua file
So problem solved!
Now Destination announcement is audible and visible. All System Messages like "Are you sure you want to exit navigation?" etc... are only visible and don�t change to audible.
Last edited by NikonM; 11th October 2021 at 07:11 PM.