Does anyone have software iGO Nextgen with junction view working?
I tried all the software for WinCE Navigation on the gpspower.... junction view does not work
please help me...
sorry for my bad english.
Does anyone have software iGO Nextgen with junction view working?
I tried all the software for WinCE Navigation on the gpspower.... junction view does not work
please help me...
sorry for my bad english.
Are fjw files active in your software? Not red?
If not, there are no WinCE licenses. Use good old Primo.
in some software fjw does not appear at all
I found a nextgen wince in which junction view appears... but fjw is red
license where do i find it? where can i buy
Last edited by Boki; 2nd February 2022 at 05:36 PM. Reason: approved
Only if you have a newer WinCE device with the original software, and pay for the map upgrade. Pretty expensive.
I think enhanced_junctionview.zip ux is responsible for the jw display.
And, TomTom maps don't have a separate fjw files, they have it built into them.