No, works in Germany (9.18.27,681611)
No traffic and weather today in iGO Nextgen...server down ?
No, works in Germany (9.18.27,681611)
To begin with, look at the licenses you are using, lyc, which are responsible for online services can be blocked by NNG, also find the service_register_v1.sav file, preferably 10-12 kb., and replace, also I have a big request to users if you want the services to work as long as possible, not share these files publicly, but through PM...
Spoiler: Israel 519 Germany Lokito
Last edited by batiskaf; 28th March 2024 at 12:57 PM.
As is well known, servers have been dead for two days; First total failure, today connection error, but traffic is displayed green (active).
Changing the profiles was unsuccessful, IMO not a licensing problem
ex calipoint say: my Knowledge of today is what I read yesterday 🧐😉
When you say servers are down for 2 days, can you tell which servers you mean?
Last edited by Boki; 28th March 2024 at 07:56 PM. Reason: merged few posts