First impressions
New Look
Spoiler: Screenshots
New Warning Power Messages
Spoiler: Screenshot
New botton
Spoiler: IMG
New tunnel view
Spoiler: Screenshot
New TMC icons working and blinking
Spoiler: GIF Animation
Live Traffic
Spoiler: Screenshot
Spoiler: 2D_Settings
Messages Audio or TTS
Spoiler: GIF Animation
Remove Common Route Warnings Settings
Spoiler: All Alerts
(the image has 3 files changed with the Skin_iGO_Nextgen_by_pongo+ux_plugins_08.02.2017)
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Alternative route
Spoiler: Screenshot
Problems for possible resolution
1- Raster maps:
You must have both enabled for raster viewing only 2D or only 3D does not work. (May be just happening to me)
Spoiler: Screenshots
2- Hidden locations maps "HERE":
I can not see the locations after restarting iGO (May be just happening to me)
Example in the picture Republic of Lithuania near the capital
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I think the problem is in scheme I can be wrong.
This is due to the updates since last year there were no locations on the maps HERE.
And now they already exist.
It is necessary to do the trick to visualize the localities with maps "HERE"
1- During the scheme Day go to the scheme Night pass the 4 schemes
2- During the scheme Night go to the scheme Day pass the 4 schemes
Spoiler: Screenshot
Spoiler: Screenshot
iGO will be able to restart the 1st time you do.
You will have to do it again (1 or 2)
And so you can see what I'm trying to say about the names of places that are hidden.
A small demo video please download it because the online video cuts some images:
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
3- Button only marks Period Charge (Problem solved)
Added another button
Spoiler: Problem solved
Spoiler: Screenshots
Button smoothly
Spoiler: Screenshots
Tricks and tips (Skin_iGO_Nextgen_by_pongo)
1- How to activate Traffic Lights?
Spoiler: Screenshots
2- Click and press the button:
If you click the sound button twice it will be muted.
If you press the button it is a shortcut to the sound settings.
Spoiler: Screenshot
Clicking the menu button goes to options.
If you press the menu button iGO.
Spoiler: Screenshot
3- To activate ux modules
Spoiler: Screenshot
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This post requires you to click the "LIKE this post" button and hit F5 to read this content.
Spoiler: Thanks