@apascu You are in wrong thread here is LUNA section...
the button have dual function
single click - long click ..... try....
LouBouha Please Help !
Concerning New update skin nextgen by PONGO 03.11.2020
On Igo_Israel on Samsung M21 with Android 10 the Button Run_gps.zip on Quickmenu appear and indicate the number of satellites but when is tuched appear the Android system sitting for location.
Have you an idea what can be wrong ?
All the rest of program works fine and also the function send gps position by sms.
Thanks in advance !
@apascu You are in wrong thread here is LUNA section...
the button have dual function
single click - long click ..... try....
Hi Batiskaf
There is no indication of your update on this Thread ... like this one "UPD Post#1" ...yesterday ... so we can't guess.
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Second: It's a good habit not to quote the previous post in the one you are posting, unless it is relevant to your response.
A quote is generally used if the post you reply to is higher up in the thread.
Smartphone: THL T11 Android 4.2.2 Resolution 720x1280
Sygic 14.3.4 IGO Primo Skins : Doupas V9.0h , Dimka/Frontzosd
Many Thanks ! Its work !
Best regards !
I posted to Loubouha becose it is the initial author of the ux.
Where are mapscheme hiding in pongo. In menu there are map scheme a-b-c-d-e-f-and default. But they are not in ux folder, in ux folder there are also no gpsandmore_generic.
Whant to try another mapscheme/gpsandmore_generic
Last edited by skiib; 5th November 2020 at 06:39 PM. Reason: wrong spelling
Map_config.zips are gpsandmore_generic.zips with other name.
Yu-Hu finally big poi icons on automatic overview Gratitude, Maestro @Pongo
with the first release we could change the Sky and Mapcolor. Thgis setting doesn't exist anymore. Now I've got the problem tht hills are pink when a dem file is activated???
If i delete the dem file it's not pink but without hills.
@pajonk i think its becsuse map_config its changed Now we dont see entire road network wich its good bcs we have a better look to pois and speedcams Also are more changes like chosse dpi in sys
Now these settings are in the weather.