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  1. #1
    Master frontzosd's Avatar
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    Default WIN CE Nextgen editions, For Android by Frontzosd!

    WIN CE editions, For Android

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    This is a different taste of Nextgens...and I'm not sure if this is the suitable topic.
    As a fairly old user, I have used Win Ce countless times.
    I confess that I quite liked the factory editions for nextGens and win ce!

    So I thought of transferring them to Android for ease of use.

    Ux and data are the Virgins file and comes straigt from WinCe editions.

    (I must only modify data , for works to Android.
    This is the point...Except from virgin ux folder, we use factory data and we
    Carry all the Win Ce features!)

    the android app chosen to do the procedure was not chosen at random. it's good old Avik!

    For start we have 2 wince editions
    Put folders Toyota and MotoPilot in your devices
    And run the apks inside.

    You can have the 2 apks at the same time!

    For new Android devices.
    If the apks doesn't run in your device ..
    Download Shizuku from PlayStore,
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    connect your Android phone in a wifi router, run it
    And download the apk which you found here

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    Run Shizuku, with a wifi and connect your device with a key
    Also run the second apk , connect it with .
    Shizuku, found the MotoPilot or Toyota .
    Apk and enable ONLY theese 2 choices

    Allow restricted permission
    By pass low target SDK

    As the photo at the end of this post
    And install it.

    The links from the Virgins WinCe editions.

    For Toyota:
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    For MotoPilot:
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    For Zenec:
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    Spoiler: PHOTO

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    Screenshots from Moto pilot
    Spoiler: photo 2

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    Gif From Mappy

    Spoiler: Gif

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    Gif From MotoPilot

    Spoiler: Gif

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    Gif From Zenec

    Spoiler: Gif

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    Last edited by frontzosd; 4th September 2024 at 05:05 AM. Reason: Add Screenshots

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  3. #2
    Master frontzosd's Avatar
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    Added Mappy edition.
    Data and the main skin zip, modified
    For Android!
    Links (to the first post) refreshed!

    Here is the virgin, Win Ce link
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    Screenshots from Mappy

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    Last edited by frontzosd; 31st August 2024 at 06:56 AM.

  4. #3
    Master Titanic52's Avatar
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    My friend, frontzosd
    Thank you very much for your efforts, I tested Toyota Android 12 works and crashes every now and then but it works. But you can't select another car arrow or change it, no button function.
    Spoiler: screen

    Screenshot 20240831 135339
    Screenshot 20240831 124651

  5. #4
    Master frontzosd's Avatar
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    Dear friend Titanic, put outside from your ux folder the "user_profiles" if you want to have
    Choice for the car.
    The buttons left and right have full ( 80 %) transparency because the background icon
    Doesn't appeared(exist) in theese dpis( resolutions). Don't forget that it's made for Win ce machines.
    But exist and you can use them.

    My advice, use Mappy or MotoPilot.

    For the crash...
    Perhaps you must not use schemes ...
    It's not compatible.
    Delete your save , if this happens

    Don't forgett
    The point is that I manage to use Win Ce
    data ,the virgin win Ce data , in Android.

    Use Mappy, it's fantastic.
    It's like you have a wince in your Phone.
    Last edited by frontzosd; 31st August 2024 at 03:54 PM.

  6. #5
    Master WIN CE  Nextgen editions, For Android by Frontzosd!WIN CE  Nextgen editions, For Android by Frontzosd! JmaCWQ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frontzosd View Post
    ......Don't forgett
    The point is that I manage to use Win Ce
    data ,the virgin win Ce data , in Android......
    That is awesome!
    Can this be done with iGO8?
    Are there any tutorials explaining how one might attempt this?
    I would love nothing more than to be able to run the WinCE version of iGO8 I've been using for many years on an Android device.
    Do big things!

  7. #6
    Master frontzosd's Avatar
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    Dear JmaCWQ i love iGO 8 too.
    I will try...This is my promise.
    The most similar Android apk for iGO8 data
    Is the old iGo_My_Way.
    Unfortunately this apk supported only from
    Android 2.3 and down.

    The next Big problem, is the resolutions.
    Here we have resolutions ,not dpis..
    And this is the NextGens strong paper.
    We don't have bmp icons for theese resolutions.

    the whole venture seems unreal!!

    it is very difficult for me at this moment to give instructions and a general rule.
    It's quite complicated because it depends on the android app too.

    but I will do that too.

    I will try the same with Primo too
    Last edited by frontzosd; 1st September 2024 at 06:19 AM.

  8. #7
    Master WIN CE  Nextgen editions, For Android by Frontzosd!WIN CE  Nextgen editions, For Android by Frontzosd! JmaCWQ's Avatar
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    Hello frontzosd,

    Thank you for the effort and time you are taking to experiment with getting WinCE apps to run on Android, I imagine it must be very complicated.

    Over the years I have kept using iGO8 build, which I believe was the earliest 8.3.4 release, and I find it works very well for what I use it for, which is nearly 100% offroad work.
    I only have the basemap, my custom POI's and my own saved tracks in use, there's no street maps, no regular full country POI files etc. etc., which simplifies things somewhat.

    Do big things!

  9. #8
    Master Titanic52's Avatar
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    Hello my friend frontzosd,
    Thank you for the effort and time you put into experimenting with how to get WinCE apps to work on Android. I can imagine that it must be very complicated.
    And a lot of work is involved, I have tested all 3 and I'm sticking with >Mappy and MotoPilot<
    But there are a few problems with TTS voice and navigation voice. Everything is recognized for a long time, TTS doesn't work, it worked once, no idea why it didn't work, after that no sound. I have tried everything and I can't get my TTS voice to work. Thank you for your efforts. There is a lot of work.

    Spoiler: screen

    Screenshot 20240901 150333
    Screenshot 20240901 155929
    Screenshot 20240901 160023
    Screenshot 20240901 164811
    Screenshot 20240901 160739
    Screenshot 20240902 010632
    Screenshot 20240902 011202
    Screenshot 20240902 011214

  10. #9
    Master frontzosd's Avatar
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    Default Update for Mappy 1

    Update for Mappy edition #1

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    Dear friend Titanic, indeed Mappy and MotoPilot are very nice editions
    everything works perfectly and TTS..

    Without touching the Virgin Look, because this was the deal which i do, I add features for Mappy which is ready for using as a main Navigation.
    This is my oppinion of course!

    All The zips comes from my Silver Skin, for the Old
    AVIC edition!
    With Some modifications of course!
    (Don't forgett that all of theese are made for
    --Roads size correction utility zip.
    --All the Tts pro announcement!
    --Driver alerts announcement
    --Speedcam announcement with Tolls price
    --Tilt the map feature.
    --We can increase _decrease the size of Car (Cursor.)
    --2d 3d feature.
    --And my favorite Grand Compass.
    --Also if we LONG press the main button on
    the bottom we can switch off the Apk.
    A fast and Useful feature..because if we want
    To switch of , we must first Open the Big
    Horizontal menu, Go to the End of this ,
    Found the Switch off button and use it!

    For TTS we use External VocalizerEx2
    Or whatever else
    Personally I use Loquento (Afroditi)

    For Voice. And the zip
    We must give a special set inside ini

    For Example:
    Greece I wrote inside voice ini:
    Apk doest recognise the voice zip , without this
    We have disable it in new NextGens!

    So if we use Mappy from the first post
    We delete ( rename ) our ux folder and we use
    This folder!
    Last edited by frontzosd; 2nd September 2024 at 03:21 PM.

  11. #10
    Master frontzosd's Avatar
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    Default Updated for MotoPilot 1

    ..And here the improve for MotoPilot!

    The same as Mappy!

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    If somebody have the files for Zenec , please
    Refresh the Links.
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    Last edited by frontzosd; 2nd September 2024 at 06:41 PM.



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