Looks like a rendering problem. The "DEM" buffering is not drawn correctly. Post your sys.txt
Link in post #1 is dead, here is mirror of diMka WA aP.1.3.3 (HVGA..FullHD) (WertVRV & Andron66)
Spoiler: .
Ok, man, I finally figured it out. The problem was that I used the same info.ini file with different skins, thus they all had the same name, that's why IGO was trying to load the skin and as I had multiple skins, and they all had the same nae in the info.ini, it it went crazy. But I still have a little problem. Streets dissapear from time to time and the colr scheme keeps changing. Here is a screenshot. So, the streets appear and dissapear and the green part covers them and then I get the streets again. Weird.
Spoiler: screen
Last edited by Boki; 26th November 2015 at 11:43 AM. Reason: use of spoiler
Looks like a rendering problem. The "DEM" buffering is not drawn correctly. Post your sys.txt
Link in post #1 is dead, here is mirror of diMka WA aP.1.3.3 (HVGA..FullHD) (WertVRV & Andron66)
Spoiler: .
Last edited by osiris4isis; 22nd January 2016 at 05:38 AM.
I need (diMkaWA_P174 Nk's) or(diMkaWa_P24 Nk's) skin 1280x720 resolution.
In OP I upload all I have about diMka WA aP.1.3.3 .
I have solved the problem with LG G4:
I have to put to sys.txt:
driver="gdi" ;for HD & QHD
highres=1 ;for HD & QHD
To info.ini:
It work now !