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  1. #11
    Important User Which skin can show next across street name?
    Which skin can show next across street name?Which skin can show next across street name?Which skin can show next across street name?Which skin can show next across street name?
    osiris4isis's Avatar
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    In my Gift thread, I've mentioned a "better" version for Gift. You might want to keep watching for its release. BTW, pretty much all of my mods are for the original proggy and "perfect" is relative.
    Last edited by osiris4isis; 3rd December 2018 at 12:26 PM.
    Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.

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  3. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
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    Finally, I figure out a way to achieve this feature.
    For those skins can show city or district name on the map, I replace it with next crossing street info. Unfortunately, I can only do it on Igo NextGen.
    Below is the screenshots I modified Pongo NextGen skin to replace district box with next crossing street and it works very well. Since district info is replaced, I also relpace "City & ZIP" with "District & City".
    I am not a programmer so it took me a while to figure it out. I am sure for a professonal programmer, it will only take several minutes to do that. I hope skin creators can include this feature in their skins.

    Spoiler: Screen shot



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