iGO PRIMO 2.0.1 ANDROID NavGear v9.6.7.235654 Final
iGO PRIMO 2.0.1 ANDROID NavGear v9.6.7.235654 Final 320x240, 400x240, 480x320, 800x480, 854x480, 960x540, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1920x1200
NavGear v9.6.7.235654 for Android - 16 May 2012
*Requirements: Android v2.2+ *iGO MY WAY 2009 must uninstall .APK before install iGO Primo, and delete iGO folder or rename to iGO_old if you want again use later... *Select your screen resolution and follow the instructions *If your display is not full you must adjust with program Screen Size and Density 1.1.apk *For mapchanger read instructions change maps between NAVTEQ, TOM TOM, TOPMAP, OTHER *If you not see skin in SCREEN theme day/night, you must write info.ini file and add your resolution *all .7z files extract with 7zip or rename .rar to .7z and extract with Winrar 4.20 *Be sure to read all instructions before you do anything you ask
iGO Primo 1920x1200,1200x1920 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 1280x800, 800x1280 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 1280x720, 720x1280 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 1024x768, 768x1024 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 1024x600, 600x1024 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 960x540, 540x960 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 854x480, 480x854 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 800x480, 480x800 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 480x320, 320x480 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 400x240, 240x400 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] iGO Primo 320x240, 240x320 [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
iGO Primo all Voices ABC (Ara, Bul, Cat, Cmn, Cro, Cze) [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] DE (Dan, Deu, Dut, Eng(aus,uk,us), Est) [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] FGHI (Fin, Fle, Fra, Gre, Hb, Hun, Ita) [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] LMNPR (Lit, Lva, Mol, Nor, Pol, Por, Rom, Rus) [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] STUY (Slo, Srb, Svn, Swe, Tur, Ukr, Yue) [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
I'm sorry for the language, he wrote to the PM but has no right.
Imam Galaxy S III, sve sam uradio po uputstvu ali i dalje ne vidim notification bar kad stoji uspravno tel, kad ga prebacim u horizontalu, onda ga vidim ali tad touch screen ne radi. Rezolucija je 1280x720, probao sam da editujem sys.txt da stavim na auto ali ni tada ne radi. Inace skunuo sam verziju 1280x720. To je prva stvar, druga je da ne moze da uhvati satelit, mozda zato sto nema mapu gde se trenutno nalazim a to je South Africa, na forumu sam nasao samo jednu mapu South Africa, ali ne rade linkovi pa ako slucajno znas odakle bih mogao da skinem posalji mi na PM. Hvala unapred.
With google translate
I have a Galaxy S III, all I did as instructed but I still do not see the notification bar when the phone is standing upright, when I switch to horizontal, then you see it then, but the touch screen does not work. The resolution is 1280x720, I tried edit sys.txt, I put on auto mode but still does not work. Otherwise I DL version of 1280x720. That's the first thing, the second is that he can not catch the satellite, perhaps because there is no map of where you currently are and that is South Africa, on the forum I found only one map South Africa, but the links do not work, so if you happen to know where I could to send me off to the PM. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Uspeo sam da sredim rezoluciju, ostaje i dalje problem da ne hvata satelit i ako moze mapa South Africa-e.
I managed to fix the resolution remains a problem that is not captured by satellite, and if you can map South Africa's
Last edited by bravosx1616; 19th December 2012 at 11:32 PM.
About manage the sys.text in iGO Primo
That sys file attack in this file you download, aren't this file you use in iGO Primo.
The sys file you use without nothing are inside the apk file.
To change the sys file or add new stuff the sys file, you have to ROOT your device
Install software on phone like: Root Explorer
Scroll ahead to: ROOT: data/data/com.navngo.igo.javaclient/sys.txt
Then you can open the sys.txt to see what you need to be done
I also attack a' working sys.txt here to Samsung Galaxy S3: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Have fun
Last edited by ScorpioPirate; 8th February 2013 at 01:26 PM.
?? What? 1280x768 resolution does not exist. There are two 1280 resolutions: x 720 and x 800
It is my upload and it is 1280x720 complete package. Unpack it with 7-zip v15.06.
From that package, you need folder "iGO" , place it on internal memory, put "Explay_Infinity_9.6.7.318746_thin_v.1.1.apk" in it and install. You can use newer "global_cfg.zip" and your language and keyboard files, downloaded from this forum. Ofcourse, also maps and pois for your needs.
Folders: "Skin", "Sys.txt", "Themechanger+Mapchanger 4.3a + TC Package v2.1b and tools-instructions^alati-instrukcije" are not needed (optional).
If necessary (in the case of a problem), you can use a custom modified "sys.txt" file, from "sys.txt" folder.
But, for example, without any modifications, this package runs on the Z3 compact phone of my friend.
Last edited by Boki; 3rd September 2015 at 10:04 PM.
Hi - I'm sorry - I just had a look into the data.zip file in the ui_android folder and there I saw only 480x272, 800x480 and 1024x768.
Last time I installed iGo was almost 3 years ago (yes I do not replace my mobile phones that often...)
I just remember last time someone gave me the hint that the data.zip must contain the right resolution ... that's the reason I have asked again about the 1280x720 version.
To be frank I have not tried to install the version yet.
I'll do so - be patient with me - I'm not an expert