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  1. #41
    Master mytheuzen's Avatar
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    Default Notepad++ v8.7.6

    Notepad++ v8.7.6 Portable & Installer (X86/X64/ARM64) Multilingual & Minimalist


    Release Date: 2025-01-28

    Spoiler: :regression-fixes, bug-fixes & enhancements:

    1. Update to scintilla 5.5.3 & Lexilla 5.4.1.
    2. Enhance performance of syntax highlighting for large files.
    3. Make "Show close/pin button on each inactive tab" optional.
    4. Add ShortcutMapper Multilingual ability, allowing the use of specific keys for non-en-US keyboards.
    5. Fix vertical tab crashes when enabling/disabling the pin tab feature.
    6. Fix crash when passing an invalid buffer with NPPM_SETUNTITLEDNAME.
    7. Fix floating panels position resetting regression in multi-monitor configurations.
    8. Fix incorrect "Replace all" behavior during the second replace in selection.
    9. Fix backup file renaming bug for untitled tabs.
    10. Enhance UX in "Find in file" action when the Directory field is empty.
    11. Make the current line/position copyable in the Go to Line dialog.
    12. GUI enhancement: hide right menu shortcuts on the fly.
    13. Minor enhancements for JavaScript, CSS & HTML.

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    Last edited by mytheuzen; 28th January 2025 at 11:03 AM. Reason: Final version

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  3. #42
    Master mytheuzen's Avatar
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    Default Notepad++ v8.7.7

    Notepad++ v8.7.7 Portable & Installer (X86/X64/ARM64) Multilingual & Minimalist


    Release Date: 2025-02-07

    Spoiler: :regression-fixes:

    Add new API NPPM_ADDSCNMODIFIEDFLAGS for some plugins to fix eventual regression regarding SCN_MODIFIED.

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  4. #43
    Master mytheuzen's Avatar
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    Default WinRAR X64 v7.10

    WinRAR X64 v7.10

    logo w10

    Language: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Chinese Traditional, Danish, English, French, German, Indonesian, Korean, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish.

    Spoiler: What's new and Link
    This post requires you to click the "LIKE this post" button and hit F5 to read this content.

  5. #44
    Master mytheuzen's Avatar
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    Tool Notepad++ v8.7.8

    Notepad++ v8.7.8 Portable & Installer (X86/X64/ARM64) Multilingual & Minimalist


    Release Date: 2025-03-08

    Spoiler: regression-fixes, bug-fixes & new featurs:

    1. Fix regression (v8.7.1 - v8.7.7) of saving backup file without modifications. (Fix #16186)
    2. Fix syntax highlighting regression while switching among UDL files. (Fix #16154)
    3. Add ability to hide selected toolbar buttons via a XML configuration.(Fix #15106, #15440, #16000)
    4. Optimize switching programming language performance for large files. (Fix #16106)
    5. Improve folding/unfolding performance for large files. (Fix #16064)
    6. Fix SQL Backslash Preference state regression (from v8.7). (Fix #16249)
    7. Fix count operation on regex causing Notepad++ to hang. (Fix #16207)
    8. Fix FunctionList not refreshing with current document lexer changes. (Fix #16221)
    9. Improve Style Configurator GUI organization. (Fix #15939)
    10. Adds SAS programming language support. (Fix #16148)
    11. Make existing DirectWrite rendering modes accessible. (Fix #16126)
    12. Allow DirectWrite use on non-Core Windows Server. (Fix #15916)
    13. Use VTS instead of LTS for specific control code abbreviation. (Fix #16107)
    14. Fix installer silent mode doLocalConf.xml setting handling issue. (Fix #16233)

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