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Utilities to Customize your iGO Apps.
Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame.
Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted.
Order threads in...
Note: when sorting by date, 'descending order' will show the newest results first.
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thank you perfect
How to replace software - change content in iGO WinCE devices You probably...
You succeeded because these devices are almost always generic, they use the...
Not clear? Tested the previous evening Will be trashed later
This link is dead! :(
I am trying to use iGo-Primo 2.4-9.6.13, I reinstalled firmware on an unbranded...
Is there a way to make a bootable WinCE for GPS to run off of SD Card? Just...
IGO SPEEDCAMS WORLD 03.2025 Post n.1
This button only resets the current state of the device, it does not perform a...
With the charger plugged in, hold the reset button and turn on the device. If...
thank you perfect
Europe TomTom (TeleAtlas) 2024.06...