As the title says, here is a ux that will display different images for cities, depending on the number of inhabitants.
Until now " Nextgen " could only display three categories of cities.
This " A_Telepules.zip " display shows seven categories of cities.
And that thanks to my friend BIXO, without whom it would not have been possible.
There is however a small inconvenience:
- This slightly modifies the size of the road, as well as the size of the arrow that appears on the road, at the changes of directions.
- To see the "telepules" on the screen in 2D as in 3D, it is necessary to disable or remove the ux " laneassist_ ...... zip ".
Thanks also to my friend Boki_Srb for the tests he has done,
Who could confirm that this "ux" did not work without skin!
2D :
Spoiler: picture
3D :
Spoiler: picture
Smartphone: THL T11 Android 4.2.2 Resolution 720x1280
Sygic 14.3.4 IGO Primo Skins : Doupas V9.0h , Dimka/Frontzosd
Thank you LouBouha,
Indeed our friend Bixo had told me about it. But I forgot to specify.
Anyway, it will be impossible for this ux to work properly, without it modifying certain elements displayed on the screen, unfortunately .................
On devices of 7 or 10 inches, it is not too embarrassing. But on phones, it may be more annoying ............
I unfortunately did not find a miracle solution !
The simplest and not to use this ux .......... We can not win every time !
I will delete this soon ..............
Wow, nice works friends! =)
If my comment was of interest to you or helped in finding the solution to your problem ...