Something, very fast dear friend, for you.
Try it, and tell me, if you want anything to change.
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Dear friends,
I do not use any skin, but I do like to add few UX modules (like "Lego") to add some functions i like to program.
With almost all phones (and other navigation devices) displayed altitude is not correct. It almost always has some (fixed) offset specific for that device itself.
I know there is function for changing altitude offset in pongo skin, but...
As I don't want to use complete huge skin just for this function, do you know for any (or can make) UX for changing/applying altitude offset which could be used without skin (default skin)?
Something, very fast dear friend, for you.
Try it, and tell me, if you want anything to change.
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Last edited by frontzosd; 16th October 2019 at 09:00 PM.
Since this files are very small, you can freely attach them, dear colleague...
Dear friend.
Of course, it changes only the side list.. Height
Because its programmed only for the side list.
For the other, I need your ux + Data packet!
For modification! For to "RECEIVE" the new function!
Because the left+down Height code, comes from
Your packet and not from the last ux plugin.
And of course I need a little more time, for to found
Where is this written!!
As you understood, the easy part, is to
write a new code!
The difficulty part, is to found where the NNG developers
Write the same, for to disable it, or to modify it!!
Last edited by frontzosd; 17th October 2019 at 11:28 AM.
Ok dear friend...
Without doing anything else,
Just replace, only my plugin!!
The difference, between the first and the last plugin with one word is "smart"
To the first, plugin, we receive height data from our gps receiver and we
Name it "gps height"! For easy explanation
After this we add or minus a value correction, for
Example - 40
And we have a Height named, for example A
A = gps height - 40 and always we receive an
Altitude "A"
But to the second plugin we made a constructor
WE construct again, the same machine :"gps height"!
(Which we minus, as the first example - 40), and we give it
Straight to our, Nng application!!!
So this means, everybody
in every skin, every nng apk can use this.... Without modify any other file..
Because they receive straight, machine gps data height....
Last edited by frontzosd; 17th October 2019 at 03:43 PM.
The function works correctly in your data
But not in default...
Let's see why!
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Last edited by frontzosd; 17th October 2019 at 04:40 PM.
Plugin 3
Works and with factory data.
Dear friend...
Plugin 4
This is the end, of this plugin!!
We can't do more..
I delete the second height but not the word
"Altitude", which comes from data...
If you want the perfect, just use your data..
But this is not the point!!
Because the solution, is to override data..
Not to modify it!!
Because in the future, it needed to try different NNG editions..
And your ux plugin, must working everywhere.
So the POINT is that we fix, the Trip Computer data..
We must be very careful when we use this plugin.
Double function , which is about calling altitude, double
Or more times, just disable the modificated
"GPS machine receiver Height"
Because it brings back the original data from GPS RECEIVER
With the wrong height of course!
For example for Silver Skin I will give update to Average_speed_zip.
If we want to use the last plugin,
And the reason of course
A function which calls the Heigh, which exist inside it!!
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Last edited by frontzosd; 17th October 2019 at 09:53 PM.
Altitude_fd zip
And.... Here is the Heigh Correction zip, Alone. (without any other function with , as for example 2d_3d zip with it, which show us the height correction. )
This means, that this zip fix any altitude, which the program gives.
Without override data code, and without complicated code.
Just few lines....
And without problems, as before.
The second attached file, is the modified 2D_3d zip, which
Show us and the Altitude.
If we use alone modified 2D_3d zip, we will see the GPS machine altitude
And if we use together, with Altitude_fd zip, we can give
The altitude correction and we will see it and from this zip,
Of course!!
Theese files are, for default Skin!!
For Silver Skin, I will give update....
For other skins, you know the way....
Last edited by frontzosd; 19th October 2019 at 03:53 PM.