Here is a "ux" which will display the charging stations for electric vehicles.
On the same principle as the "A_Petrol_Station.zip", it will display the signs in the menus and on the map, offered by the HERE and TT files (.poi).
The countries supported by this ux "A_Electric_Vehicle_Station.zip" are:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Czech Republic.
Important :
1) If you wish to use this ux at the same time as the "A_Petrol_Station.zip" ux, you will need to update the latter, which has been modified, to be compatible with the ux for this subject!
2) Don't forget to delete your "poi_visiblies.txt" file before installing it !
Some screenshots taken at random :
Menu :
Spoiler: picture
2D :
Spoiler: picture
3D :
Spoiler: picture
As you can see from the screenshots, for this ux, the price of fuel has been replaced by the symbol used in Europe to represent charging stations !