You can correlate the speedcam_category with the description from activated_speech to get which alert has which type value, but
Spoiler: .
Hello there,
I'm trying to write myself a speedcam.txt custom file filled with points related to my country.
I'm going to get all them from different CSV files to a unique speedcam.txt but I don't know how to fit cameras, bus lanes, limited area access, schools and other things because I don't know the correct category type number.
Anyone may help?
More, how do I should edit the sys.txt file in order to get some of the categories spoken or alerted by a sound?
I've extracted a copy of then I've found inside igo9.ini with this content
Spoiler: Speedcams content
Is it correct? Should I use this content inside sys.ini and speedcam.txt ?
May I have speedcam_1.txt 2 3 4 5 ..... ? Or only one file .txt ?
Last edited by maraka; 22nd March 2016 at 08:52 PM.
You can correlate the speedcam_category with the description from activated_speech to get which alert has which type value, but
Spoiler: .
Last edited by osiris4isis; 31st May 2017 at 08:46 PM.
all rest you wrote is for how to alert you ! (in sys.txt)
You dont need to modify any file!
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post 12 is wrote:
X,Y,TYPE,SPEED,DIRTYPE,DIRECTION ;this is firs line of speedcam_any.txt
16.0555999,45.8176956,1,10,0,0 ; hera and down are wrote coordinates , type of camera, speed limit, direction