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  1. #1
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
    iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    autovelox iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)

    iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
    speedcam iGO
    speedcam iGO skin Primo/ NextGen/ Luna

    FAQ briefly in fact
    Spoiler: +
    For iGO Primo (NextGen) Luna *.txt put files in a folder content/speedcam
    Before the update we do not delete it file speedcam.spdb.
    File speedcam.spdb updated every time iGO is started.
    Large files speedcam.txt they can be loaded at the first start iGO very long on weak devices, Win CE.
    Radars do not beep and are not notified in the simulation, but are only visible on the map.

    X,Y - coordinates (longitude, latitude).

    TYPE - camera type


    In iGO there are three options for displaying the speed when warning:
    - speed in the file;
    - the permissible speed on the section of road on which you are moving;
    - no speed at all.

    48.057311,46.347428,1,60,1,121 - speed in the file
    48.057311,46.347428,1,0,1,121 - speed from the map
    48.057311,46.347428,1,,1,121 - without speed

    DIRTYPE - how many directions does the camera work in: In all=0; In one=1; Both ways =2:

    48.057311,46.347428,1,60,1,121 - In one
    48.057311,46.347428,1,60,2,121 - Both ways
    48.057311,46.347428,1,60,0,121 - In all

    DIRECTION - the direction of movement of the car: North=0; East=90; South=180; West=270. By DIRTYPE=0 this parameter has no value.

    Format speedcam.txt


    iGO does not read IDX, for this reason, which speedcam.txt format does not affect the operation of iGO

    What additional entries can speedcam.txt
    Signature, point comments

    All signatures and comments, only after the comma
    20.555555,30.777777,1,90,1,180, <comments>

    20.555555,30.777777,1,90,1,180, <comments>

    These characters must not be in the string (: ; // > etc.)
    This results in a circular alert, DIRTYPE =1 or =2
    become DIRTYPE =0



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    FAQ speedcam in iGo
    Spoiler: +
    I have long wanted to explain the use of speedcam in iGo.

    spc-speedcam, that is, speedcam in encrypted format.
    spc-not signed in spdb.
    spc-consists of the main types of cameras with directional signaling.
    spc-ASC has a section start and close.
    spc-after coordinate matching has an advantage over speedcam.txt.

    Speedcam.txt - local dangerous points.
    Speedcam.txt-saved in spdb.

    Using * spc from two manufacturers at the same time (TomTom, HERE) increases the alarm points by * twice
    Pay attention to the date of creation of the spc, it is possible that the value of many points no longer matters.
    use any speedcam.spc, from HERE or TomTom. IGO it doesn't matter who does the spc.

    Using * spc in combination with * txt.
    Perhaps it all depends on the user's desire, which leads to a doubling of the alarm points.

    * ASC-Average Speed Camera.
    * twice-a relative indicator (the coordinates of two different bases are unlikely to coincide).
    * ASC-use one set of start-finish when working with the pongo, wandel skin, so as not to disrupt the notification system with false positives from duplicates.

    Two medium speed cameras, no more than that:
    the first (beginning of the zone) with a measurable limit, for example 80km / h.
    the second (end of the zone) with a speed limit of 5km / h.

    saves all added from the navigator screen speedcam.
    SpedcamUpdates.spud the file is stored.
    NextGen iGO_XXX-->privdocs--->InappShop--->Mount--->speedcam--->SpedcamUpdates.spud

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    Dear friends, Discussion brings a solution to the issue. BUT ! If you showed a movie, screenshots, but did not explain what you did for such a result, then your help is zero. If your advice was not confirmed on other devices, then your help is zero. I understand that with modern technical equipment, it is possible to make any installation, which may lead to confusion. Let's just say that any ostentatious post without explaining the actions is a flood in this topic.

    I hope this will help to understand any questions without clogging up the topic with empty posts.

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 9th October 2024 at 09:23 AM.

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  3. #2
    Master kwbs's Avatar
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    Hellow @Andrey Form

    I see that the spcam's codes in your files are different from the codes i'm familiar with.

    Here are two examples:


    Which type of cam is 50? 32?


    Which type of cam is 35? 42? 51? 52?

    Can you please write down here your codes list and cameras which associated with them?

  4. #3
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
    iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwbs View Post
    Hellow @Andrey Form
    I see that the spcam's codes in your files are different from the codes i'm familiar with.
    CODE iGO Full

    Spoiler: 32

    _ID0 = 1_or_64_or__96_or_128_or_160_or_192_or_224 - 32
    _ID1 = 5_or_65_or__97_or_129_or_161_or_193_or_225 - 33
    _ID2 = 2_or_66_or__98_or_130_or_162_or_194_or_226 - 34
    _ID3 = 4_or_67_or__99_or_131_or_163_or_195_or_227 - 35
    _ID4 = 3_or_68_or_100_or_132_or_164_or_196_or_228 - 36
    _ID5 = __or_69_or_101_or_133_or_165_or_197_or_229 - 37
    _ID6 = 6_or_70_or_102_or_134_or_166_or_198_or_230 - 38
    _ID7 = 7_or_71_or_103_or_135_or_167_or_199_or_231 - 39
    _ID8 = 8_or_72_or_104_or_136_or_168_or_200_or_232 - 40
    _ID9 = 9_or_73_or_105_or_137_or_169_or_201_or_233 - 41
    ID10=10_or_74_or_106_or_138_or_170_or_202_or_234 - 42
    ID11=11_or_75_or_107_or_139_or_171_or_203_or_235 - 43
    ID12=12_or_76_or_108_or_140_or_172_or_204_or_236 - 44
    ID13=13_or_77_or_109_or_141_or_173_or_205_or_237 - 45
    ID14=14_or_78_or_110_or_142_or_174_or_206_or_238 - 46
    ID15=15_or_79_or_111_or_143_or_175_or_207_or_239 - 47
    ID16=16_or_80_or_112_or_144_or_176_or_208_or_240 - 48
    ID17=17_or_81_or_113_or_145_or_177_or_209_or_241 - 49
    ID18=18_or_82_or_114_or_146_or_178_or_210_or_242 - 50
    ID19=19_or_83_or_115_or_147_or_179_or_211_or_243 - 51
    ID20=20_or_84_or_116_or_148_or_180_or_212_or_244 - 52
    ID21=21_or_85_or_117_or_149_or_181_or_213_or_245 - 53
    ID22=22_or_86_or_118_or_150_or_182_or_214_or_246 - 54
    ID23=23_or_87_or_119_or_151_or_183_or_215_or_247 - 55
    ID24=24_or_88_or_120_or_152_or_184_or_216_or_248 - 56
    ID25=25_or_89_or_121_or_153_or_185_or_217_or_249 - 57
    ID26=26_or_90_or_122_or_154_or_186_or_218_or_250 - 58
    ID27=27_or_91_or_123_or_155_or_187_or_219_or_251 - 59
    ID28=28_or_92_or_124_or_156_or_188_or_220_or_252 - 60
    ID29=29_or_93_or_125_or_157_or_189_or_221_or_253 - 61
    ID30=30_or_94_or_126_or_158_or_190_or_222_or_254 - 62
    ID31=31_or_95_or_127_or_159_or_191_or_223_or_255 - 63
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 31st May 2022 at 07:50 PM.

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  5. #4
    Member + iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    Andrey Form i read allot of your speed cam stuff and have a few question if you can answer.

    Here in usa there is not many resorces for alert points like im seeing for europe. we can get a basic speed cam file but it doesnt have many mobile speed cams with mostly red light camera. i am running Luna Mod Garigor which from reading is a mod from the pongo skin. here are my question as i have yet to get mobile speedcams to work. i do see some redlight cameras if i use scdb txt but i dont think any show with my custom speed.txt.

    1. Here is an example of some of my speed text entries


    Do these look ok to work with my luna version i have?

    2. Is there a limit on the number of speedcams you can have in a txt file? i beleive i have alittle under 20k

    3. Did the speedcams type change in the luna version? example 1 is supose to be moble speedcams and 4 is suppose to be redlight.

    trying to narrow down whats wrong with speedcams on my luna version. i have the speedcam ux that cam with the mod. i dont understand why the scdp works but my custum one doest. even if i just have 10 entries of known points they dont show up. the scdb is pretty much useless around me as it has none in my 50 mile radious and mostly just red light cams.
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 31st May 2022 at 06:50 PM.

  6. #5
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    There are no differences in the speedcam codes for Luna, NextGen, Primo. Codes are assigned by type in speedcam.zip. Speedcam file size limits.txt no.

    Use 32 -63 encoding, there will be no confusion as it happens in 1-32
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 2nd April 2024 at 10:18 AM.

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  7. #6
    Master spyder's Avatar
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    The speedcam(USA) txt is OK (tested)
    I've deleted a few duplicates
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by spyder; 22nd June 2021 at 06:08 PM.

  8. #7
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    iGO's achievements in the field of speedcam, encoding Default Luna
    Spoiler: +
    [0] = "StaticCamera",
    [1] = "MobileCamera",
    [2] = "CameraInTrafficLight",
    [3] = "SectionCamera",
    [4] = "RedLight",
    [5] = "Not_Used",
    [6] = "RailwayCrossing",
    [7] = "BusLane",
    [8] = "BlackSpot",
    [9] = "SchoolZone",
    [10] = "UrbanArea",
    [11] = "RedLightTrap",
    [12] = "TollBooth",
    [13] = "Hospital",
    [14] = "FireStation",
    [15] = "ChargeZone",
    [16] = "type_16",
    [17] = "type_17",
    [18] = "type_18",
    [19] = "type_19",
    [20] = "type_20",
    [21] = "type_21",
    [22] = "SpeedBump",
    [23] = "NoParkingZone",
    [24] = "type_24",
    [25] = "type_25",
    [26] = "type_26",
    [27] = "type_27",
    [28] = "type_28",
    [29] = "type_29",
    [30] = "type_30",
    [31] = "DangerousArea"

    And it seems there are differences in the code number
    [22] = "SpeedBump", skin [18] = "Speed Breaker"
    [23] = "NoParkingZone", skin [24] = "Stop Prohibited Camera"

    Databases and codes of Bulgaria and Greece, these two databases (data collection sites) do not collect the following codes

    Spoiler: BG

    not in the database - Х

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    Spoiler: GR

    not in the database - Х

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    As a result of comparing databases, they do not collect information about the following codes
    [24] = Dangerous Railroad Crossing
    [25] = Highway Exit
    [26] = Speed Boards
    [27] = Dynamic Traffic Light
    [28] = Max Height
    These codes are not collected by databases and are not systematically updated, they are individual accumulations
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 20th December 2021 at 07:19 AM.

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  9. #8
    Master spyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badwhip View Post
    Spyder this is what interesting. I don’t believe I see the red light or speed cameras from your files. I loaded in content/poi amd content/usericon would I see these in the search menu too? . ... Is there anyway to have a custom poi with a red light camera anywhere near cincinnati Ohio 45252 area because if I see one show up there I know it works. ....
    You have to simply overwrite posted content folder to existing content folder in your device. Then in map settings/poi settings the new icons are visible to eneble/disable.

    Unfurtunately in Cincinnati there is no speedcam in database, only two near New Richmond

    Spoiler: Map
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    Last edited by Boki; 30th June 2021 at 04:48 PM. Reason: quote shortened

  10. #9
    Master LouBouha's Avatar
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    Default USA SpeedCams

    It seems that speedcams in the US and Canada are visible according to the state code

    Spoiler: Code
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    try to enter the sys.txt

    Spoiler: sys.txt
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    GPS: TomTom ONE

    Smartphone: THL T11 Android 4.2.2 Resolution 720x1280
    Sygic 14.3.4 IGO Primo Skins : Doupas V9.0h , Dimka/Frontzosd giphy

  11. #10
    Master iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    this is mainly only of importance for the display style of certain road signs

    spr_speedlimit_eu.bmp [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] spr_speedlimit_usa.bmp [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by lunapark; 1st July 2021 at 05:58 PM.



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