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  1. #21
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    Default Kenwood DNX 4230BT

    I`m sorry to bother the community again,but I need help with a Kenwood 4230BTdevice.To soem extent the problem is similar to that reported by member FFRLR who started this thread. The original internal 8gb sd card was corrupted (I guess),so I created a new one with 2 partitions:one small FAT and one large exFAT. I copied all available files on these 2 partitions,but the unit is still not working. The firmware is up to date, last version. Garmindevice.xml is missing and I cannot create it following the suggested instructions on Garmin side and/or this forum - nothing gets written on the internal or external sd card and there is no Navigation interface to go to Setings and so on. Also the map image was corrupted(I checked it with gmaptool),so I downloaded a new one and unlocked it properly.The map should be NTU,not NT - according to the label sticked on the original map case offered by Garmin (I searched for the picture,I don`t have one).At the moment,my best guess is that there is something missing or damaged in the other files.I changed the location of GRM_Nav.exe from the root folder into Garmin folder without any difference in the behavior of the unit. Can anyone ,please, check the attached images and try to find out what is wrong/missing ? It would also be good to know if the two partitions should have the exact size of the original ones. The smaller one is visible only with DiskGenius - I put and removed different small files there without any change.
    P.S The size of the partitions (especially the small one) is different from the original due to my inability to create the exact one.
    Thanks in advance for any help,

    image 1 - actual condition of the unit
    Spoiler: pic1
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    image 2 as seen by Disk genius
    Spoiler: pic2
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    image 3 - correct map NTU
    Spoiler: pic3
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    image 4 - garmindevice.xml how to create
    Spoiler: pic4
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    image 5 - inside Garmin folder
    Spoiler: pic5
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    image 6 - inside small partition,windows INVISIBLE
    Spoiler: pic6
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    image 7 - Large partition, windows visible,exfat
    Spoiler: pic7
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    Last edited by Boki; 1st August 2021 at 12:18 PM. Reason: spoilers!

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  3. #22
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    have found out how to put the head unit into test mode, it passes all tests, which is good.

    I also have a 4230DAB that doesn't load maps (image not found) and i wanted to put it in test mode. How did you do that? Could not find out how. Further more my internal SD card is according to scans healthy but I could not access the exfat partition so i formated it but the ID files in the small partition is still there. Is it possible for you to tell me wich files exists in the small partition and the bigger partition on the internal SD card? My firmware is updated.

    Last edited by Boki; 1st August 2021 at 12:18 PM. Reason: approved

  4. #23
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2021
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    Great thread! I'll follow ffrlr's advice and check my internal uSD for corruption. Linux won't mount the 2nd partition (3.09G) but can access the first (31k) but windows will. Both have a GARMIN folder but the 2nd has many sub folders. Ill try and replicate the data onto another uSD card internally as my unit has no system icons within NAV, only a random car on a white background with N and 0mph shown. If I hit the split screen, I get some more detail on the map but it reverts to blank when I leave split screen. All testmode functions pass (reset holding TEL and Eject) except TMC which seems to be a radio function but I do see station ID when scanning and it reports 3 maps not loaded: base, detail and junction but shows a North American map as first entry so 3 of 4 are missing. Reloaded GE a few times. It does download updated map but still no base,detail or junction. Will work on it again tonight.



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