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    Guide Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!

    Mod note: This method reportedly also works for DNX6180 [Post #56], and DNX7210BT [Post #58]. Maybe works for other related units too. Please post to advise if you find it compatible with others.

    Some users report success with running unlocked maps and other files on SD without loading to the head unit, and works without unl & gma present. See later posts, ~August 2014 onwards for confirmation of
    DNX525DAB, DNX5700BT, DNX6990HD, DNX7230DAB, DNX9990HD. Further user reports welcome for that method also.

    I have been reading through the forum over the past few days looking for information on updating the maps for the Kenwood DNX9990HD, only to find that such attempts are plagued by problems such as (until now) the inability to load newer maps onto the internal memory, and the spotty performance of the SD card slot behind the faceplate. Seeing so many people with this unit are having problems, I thought I would share how I did it, without having to remove the unit from the vehicle and having to disassemble the unit. In my case, I loaded the City Navigator North America 2014.30 maps.

    First though, let me say this is my first post here and that I could not be happier after finding this site, which in a mere few days has been an invaluable resource. My search started after I purchased an updated map for my DNX9990HD (2013.20 is the latest official map so far). I have two units (one in my car and one in my wife's). Quite an unpleasant surprise when I found out it would only work on one and I would have to spend another $75 to update my wife's unit! Off to do an internet search a lo and behold, not only can I make it work, but there's a map that's several versions newer! I'm so glad for all of you here that are helping out!

    Now on to the details, as I know how tough it is to find useful info on this particular unit...

    Here's how I got it to work: [NOTE: SEE POST #27 FOR UPDATED INFO ON NEEDED/UNNEEDED FILES!]

    1) Downloaded map image CNNANT 2014.30, 3Dmap, JCV 3192110A, Traffic Trends v3, InstaSearch, Fast Routing, Country State Search files (I downloaded them from post #2 here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ])

    2) Downloaded ASR2 Files from post #28 here: ([Only registered and activated users can see links. ]).

    3) Downloaded Garmin Image Unlock gimunlock up to v 0.03 from here: ([Only registered and activated users can see links. ])

    4) Extracted all files on computer (right-clicked on first rar file, selected extract all).

    5) Extracted gimgunlock, and created shortcut on desktop

    6) Opened folder where files were saved to. Left-clicked on gmapprom.img file and dragged it to the gimgunlock icon on the desktop. released mouse button. It asked if wanted to open with gimgunlock - clicked Yes. I let it go to work - it only took a few seconds.

    7) Repeated step #6 with the gmap3d.img file.

    8) Right-clicked on the gmapprom.img file and renamed it "gmapsupp.img"

    9) I took the SD card where I downloaded the official Garmin map update, and did the following:
    -removed the .xml and the gmapsupp.img files.
    -added the new, renamed gmapsupp.img, gmap3d.img, and the SID files for traffic trends, InstaSearch, Fast Routing and State County Search
    -opened the JCV folder, removed the file and replaced it with the JCV 3192110A file
    -added the ASR folder with the new ASR2 and SRX files.

    When all was said and done, my SD card/USB Thumb Drive contained the Garmin Folder with the following:

    Inside the Garmin Folder:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Inside the ASR Folder:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Inside the JCV Folder:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Inside the Pnx Folder:

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    10) Turn on the head unit and put it in Standby mode

    11) Inserted USB Thumb Drive on rear USB cable (NOTE: there's two cables - one is labeled USB, the other is labeled IPod; I used the one labeled USB). It will start reading the USB drive. I waited forever on the first try, then just gave up and continued. The second time, I only let it read for a few seconds before proceeding and it worked fine.

    12) Started navigation and go to Settings\System\About\Update Map. It asked if Wish to Proceed, tapped yes. It takes about 10-15 minutes.

    13) When it says update completed, removed USB thumb drive and restarted unit. Done!

    14) To verify go back to navigation settings\Map\About. There it was - CNNANT 2014.30!

    Just a few observations on using the new map: In 3D mode, rerouting takes an extremely long time, often restarting the recalculation numerous times. In 2D mode, it's more quick and fluid. I guess 3D mode really overloads the unit processor?

    Also, the languages only gave English, until I set the head unit's language setting to Spanish (my wife uses it in Spanish). Once the unit was in Spanish, the navigation settings gave me only Spanish options.

    Other than that, everything is smooth sailing so far. No more multiple purchases of outdated maps. I hope this helps some of you out. Enjoy!

    Also, there's new firmware for the headunit and the Bluetooth system on the Kenwood site (each is a separate update). I updated the firmware before updating maps.

    (P.S. Credit to all the other posters who made this possible - couldn't have done it without you)..
    Last edited by Neil; 11th September 2015 at 12:02 AM. Reason: Add DNX5700BT, DNX6990HD as compatible.

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  3. #2
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    What is inside the Pnx folder?
    What does Garmin use this file for?

  4. #3
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    I followed the instructions, but do not have 3 files, and I have a file that is not in your garmin folder.

    I do not have the gmapsupp.gma, gmapsupp.unl, and the 0464H4AO.pnx files

    I have an extra sid file, D3157110A.sid (instasearch)

    Anyone know where I can get the missing files and/or are they needed to perform the update.

    Thank you.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdowney83 View Post
    I followed the instructions, but do not have 3 files, and I have a file that is not in your garmin folder.

    I do not have the gmapsupp.gma, gmapsupp.unl, and the 0464H4AO.pnx files

    I have an extra sid file, D3157110A.sid (instasearch)

    Anyone know where I can get the missing files and/or are they needed to perform the update.

    Thank you.
    Prior to updating my nav system with the files from here, I purchased and downloaded the 2013.20 map from the Garmin site. I had to download the Garmin Updater application, which downloads the installation package directly on to a USB thumb drive. The gmapsupp.gma, gmapsupp.unl, and the 0464H4AO.pnx files were part of the package that was downloaded to my USB stick. I took that stick, deleted the .xml and map image files, and copied all the new files into it. Maybe there's a way for you to copy those files from your head unit onto a USB drive? Otherwise, hopefully they're available here on the forum somewhere.

    Apparently I left out the InstaSearch (D3157110A.sid) file - I don't know if it's really needed - I'll try to reload it, but I don't think there's any harm in you adding it.

    In my statement above where I say I waited forever for the unit to finish reading the USB drive, I meant I was waiting for it to finish and report "no media found" because the update instructions state for one to wait until it's done reading before proceeding to the update process. I'm simply stating there's no need to wait - just insert the USB drive and continue to put the unit in standby and/or to update map.

    Quote Originally Posted by tp2168 View Post
    What is inside the Pnx folder?
    What does Garmin use this file for?
    I have no idea what the Pnx file is, or what Garmin uses it for. It was part of the official Garmin download package when I purchased the 2013.20 map update. I'm not a programmer by any means and I'm just starting to tinker with this system. Hopefully some of the more advanced members can help us out with this inquiry.

    I wouldn't mind sharing those missing files, but I have no idea how to upload them. If someone could walk me through it, or would be kind enough to upload them, I can email them to you for upload - just send me a pm with the email address where to send them to you.
    Last edited by EuroDriver; 27th December 2013 at 06:04 PM.

  6. #5
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    Thanks, sent you a message.

  7. #6
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    Here you go:

    Pnx File (don't forget to create Pnx Folder for it): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    gmapsupp.gma: [FILE REMOVED BY OP]

    gmapsupp.unl: [FILE REMOVED BY OP]

    JUST A CAVEAT: I don't know if any of these files might be locked to my unit ID (in particular the .unl file). I'm sharing what I have and hopefully you can make it work. Let us know if it worked. Enjoy!

    better to remove .gma and .unl they contain personal infos, and useless for other users
    Last edited by EuroDriver; 28th December 2013 at 06:11 AM.

  8. #7
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    lolypop000's Avatar
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    gmapsupp.gma and gmapsupp.unl is from purchased 2013.20 map and you don't need it if you download unlocked img from this forum.
    This two files is only for @EuroDriver unit and only for 2013.20 map and now with 2014.30 map this files don?t work and you can delete it.
    If you wish, you can [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  9. #8
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    So I can update to the internal memory using all the same files and just delete the gma and unl file?

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolypop000 View Post
    gmapsupp.gma and gmapsupp.unl is from purchased 2013.20 map and you don't need it if you download unlocked img from this forum.
    This two files is only for @EuroDriver unit and only for 2013.20 map and now with 2014.30 map this files don't work and you can delete it.
    Thanks for your insight - I guess I'll delete those 2 links. Now, if you can help us out with a couple other questions:
    1) Is the InstaSearch & gmap3d.img files needed; and
    2) How can custom vehicles & voices be added to this unit?

  11. #10
    Navigation software expert Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!Kenwood DNX9990HD: Loading 2014.30 Maps on Internal Memory - It Works!
    Giomen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tp2168 View Post
    What is inside the Pnx folder?
    What does Garmin use this file for?
    I think in garmindevice.xml file in device must be description of it.

    EuroDriver please check garmindevice.xml for this string if you have a copy...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?



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