is there an english version of the instructions? better still, what's the easiest nav prog to run on the mio c320 with the least amount of tweaking? i don't need all these, just the best one apart from the mio prpg
Empowering Mitac Mio c320/c520/c720
With this build, based on the base Stopword, you can expand opportunities for navigators Mitac Mio c320/c520/c720.
Version: From August 26, 2008
Platform: Mitac Mio c320/c520/c720
Language: English + Russian
Tabletka: Not required
Size: 284.64 Mb
1. Base assembly: Stopword hack 2.0 beta 5
2. Block Russian keyboard from alexb222 (which is nice, run regular buttons Stopword).
3. Block main games.
4. Block extra games.
5. System Utilities
6.Appendices: block multimedia applications and useful utilities.
7. Block navigational programs.
Brief instructions for installing the assembly in readme.txt
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is there an english version of the instructions? better still, what's the easiest nav prog to run on the mio c320 with the least amount of tweaking? i don't need all these, just the best one apart from the mio prpg
Brief instructions for the installation of assembly:
1. Copy the contents of the archive building in the root SD-card.
2. Insert the SD-card into a working device.
3. After a few seconds followed by a short restart and appeared almost standard interface Mio.
This will only change the button audio and video by going to see that the additional menu (much better than the standard shell Myo)
4. For a full refund to the original shell should be removed SD-card and make a hard reset
(Long press to maturity of the screen, long press to launch).
Compilation (26 August 2008):
General description
1. Basis: Stopword hack 2.0 beta 5
2. Block Russian keyboard from alexb222 (run full-button Stopword and tabs on the right of the taskbar).
3. Power games.
4. Additional Games (start button expand window games). All checked under MIO520 where you have to run through a script is made with the simultaneous launch of BananaPS (for closing the game). Total - 33 games. From features: startup Lines 3D and Warlords2, they run in polekrana, click on any neighboring site (outside the game) and again run the game, all the way, then - in full screen. On the game displays all the necessary utilities (moving windows, keyboard, screen rotation, etc.) marked by asterisk game, when you first start requiring a password. Passwords in your Mio \ Utils \ Games1 - file pas.txt
5. Block additional programs
- Video player (Core),
- TCPMP player is replaced by the full version 0.72RC1 supports subtitles.
- Screen saver, screensaver button appeared on all the pages in a number of utilities at the bottom, a button - on the right.
- Addressing changes in the contacts book Myo (no Russian presence in the Claudia search in Russian). The solution in the form of a separate button in the window media, that opens the book together with Russian Claudia.
- Checker missing Dll - ExecutabilityCheck.exe (thanks nzo2004 for syntax to run properly). In the system added shortcut run the program.
In the multimedia button launches Useful block:
- Program read books Alreader2, Haali Reader.
- Another Haali Reader_dic (c plug dictionary Russian-ang, eng-rus, ortho, Encyclopedia, names, etc., dictionaries are in the folder Mio \ Utils \ Multi \ HaaliPead_dict \ slov). Dictionaries have to connect using the corresponding menu progi.
- Spreadsheet editor SpreadCE (the script is run with the keyboard, does not require registration)
- Dictionary SlovoEd + dopslovar from nzo2004.
- File Manager Total Commander (with the Russian interface)
- Image viewer XnView Pocket 1.40,
- Engineering Calculator Calc98CE.
- Rar - archiver. In addition progi added one entry in the file avtozapuskaemy Stopvorda (import records Rar - архиваторе). Now that you have XP, it immediately starts normally, without the dancing.
- Clock - Alarm Clock (displays navigator even from a sleeping state). Clock itself can be customized to suit it, but if you want to save the settings, export the registry branch HCU-> Software-> ADEPT. Then take this reg file and put in Unlock / registry / custom.
- Replacement Mortonskript a fresh edition. Required for new teams.
- Adding in the Windows dll copied to another - cellcore.
- Set up version of the Opera. Attention. Package is made so that when you start Opera (for this window has a new multimedia button) is checked whether there is a folder of Opera in the flap. Without going to copy the files and (only if necessary, if a little) - an increase of free memory to 200Kb. If the folder is found (ie, Opera is already installed), then just run Opera. Preferably after the first call to make SoftReset, all in the future no questions asked.
- Added a button to call a self-join with the Internet. It is configured (set up themselves, link to topic with razyasnyalkami settings Internet - a cap in general - read tehdoki) connection with the name «My»
- Call Button settings bluetooth.
- Button Book contacts has with the launch of Russian Claudia was transferred to the panel Useful (formerly Button - eBook)
- Added Multipad, fun and need a program to record notes (the stylus on the screen).
- Prog to start / folding keyboard (in dopah), the test system and the snapshot roster last two - in a window system).
- Fixed initial version of the USB mode: now usb-drive, but not activesync as it was (who does not like the rules in USB.ini)
- Speaking dictionary added to the window Useful (an additional window in Multimedia).
- Added a folder dictionary, button-icon startup (the script with the simultaneous launch of Claudia), regfayl for registration (after XP will get a working prog).
- Added a block of automation, the possibility of supplementing Stopvord almost to MioPoket, without weighing down the system and memory. This is your library copied to flash memory, CF 3.5 and Gapy.
Description of new lines in MioAutoRun.scp:
************************************************** **
# Copy System files - runs a script to copy the system dll fleshdisk (checking "and whether we should ...")
Call "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ Utils \ MortScript \ MortScript.exe" "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ Utils \ Multi \ Scripts \ System.mscr"
# Execute the script to extend the system path - runs the script, which describes where to find the dll if that ...
Call "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ Utils \ MortScript \ MortScript.exe" "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ Utils \ Multi \ Scripts \ SystemPath.mscr"
# Copy fonts file - what if Windows will have a little more fonts.
Copy "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ Fonts \ *.*" \ Windows \ Fonts
# Check and install CF3.5
RegEdit "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ Registry \ stopword \ NETCompactFramework.reg"
# Set up GAPI - registration Gapi
RegEdit "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ Registry \ stopword \ gapi.reg"
************************************************** *************************
In the scripts folder (IOI / Utils / Multi / Scripts) put a script to copy dll, quote the lines (well, who are interested):
If (not DirExists ("\ My Flash Disk \ System"))
XCopy ("\ Storage Card \ Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ System \ *.*"," \ My Flash Disk \ System ", TRUE, TRUE)
and a script to override the paths:
# This extends the system path to include \ Storage Card \ MioAutoRun \ System. That folder will be checked if files cannot be found in \ Windows
RegWriteMultiString ("HKLM", "Loader", "SystemPath", Array ("\ My Flash Disk \ System \", "", ""))
6. Changes in the structure of the main menu:
- Audio from the window of the main menu Mio now called CorePlayer, regular audio player and standard graphics viewer;
- From the window Multimedia: Audio button - CorePlayer, Video - TCPMP, Graphics - XnView. Ubook opens another tab with the readers
- Home Stopvorda now - Navigation in which the 4 icons and a link to another window extra. Navigation prog.
- More tab naviprogramm. It contains icons for existing and future programs. So far removed Navitel because even license Navitel put a considerable dancing after XP.
- In the window media now you get out of the window Naviprogramm (left). Posted launch buttons bluetooth settings, dial-up, the Opera and the mail program (run script with keyboard prog), the program is already in the base Stopvorde.
- Attention! Clicking on the first two syllables of any of the main windows fall out of the window Naviprogramm.
- In the navigation window if you click on the first syllable of the name of the window - you start out of the window system, if the last - in the game window. But other windows, and so close ... - In the window Internet: Time synchronization via Internet SynchroTime
A new mailer and instant messenger ProfiMail, Slick.
7. Block navigational programs (without cards). For ease of navigation screen is placed so that from the main screen stopvorda you get into it immediately by pressing the button to the left.
- Tom Tom 6.02. Cards put into the root of the memory card into the folder My Documents / TomTom.
- OziExplorerCE 2.19 (reported to the Russian language interface and voice). Maps put inside the folder with the program in \ Maps \
- Destinator 7. The skin on the typewriter changed the glider. Who does not like it - go to the folder Dest7EngTTS \ DestinatorApps \ Destinator \ Skin, choose any skin you like and rename the folder skin in All. Card put into a folder with the program.
- Igo8, dated 24 June. Other (content) - themselves in the subject Igo8. All dopa put in a folder Mio \ Utils \ Navi \ Igo8 \ Content. Maps in the map, landscape in dem, etc.
- Navigon 7.0.5 (build-930) is at the root. Maps folder Navigon \ Map. Cards for Russia for the 7 th until the came.
- Yandexmaps 2.07. Kesh (downloaded somewhere) you can put in the root map in yandexmaps \ cache \ maps
- Garmin Mobile XT 4.20.50wp lies at the root. When you run need to create a key for progi. To do this:
1.Zahodim in the program (Connect to a Garmin GPS), it prompts you to select any options (Language, miles, etc.). We choose what we need to continue to go to "Settings" - "On the system". They are looking for the phrase Card id (or ID card - prim.redaktora): ************* writes on a piece of paper (useful)
2.Zapuskaem PC ***** and make back your Card id :********* Generate code (upper part keygens)
3.Na PC open notepad (Start / Accessories / Notepad) and make the generated code using keygens. Save the file with the name sw.unl (you can just remove the extension. Txt, you can then rename sw.unl.txt in sw.unl)
4.Fayl sw.unl copied to a memory card in the directory GARMIN. This unlocks the program. Further action to unlock the card read in top (a reference to the cap is).
Added package semi-automatic start Garmin.
After XP or CP (tested!) Just run icon Garmin prog. Starts automatic portsplitter, Garmin, and all the buzz.
After exit from Garmin click below icons Garmin icon portsplittera and stop the process (Stop split) and exit from progi (it is - exit).
Well, if you ever need a Garmin, then again just click the icon Garmin, all start up again in the machine.
If you do not press Stop split at Exit in the splitter, the front of the Garmin will have to first go to Portsplitter and include the process (Start split)
+ More naviprogi.
Please before asking questions in the forum to make sure that the programs for which you want to ask a question not included in the list of prohibited warez on the forum. For a number of programs carried out only preliminary preparation (SitiGayd, etc), ie icon, the path starts.
Installation instructions:
For those who have not used Stopvord!
How to put: merge all the contents of the folder copy na SD on your memory card. Insert a running devices. It is a short restart and appear almost a standard interface Mio. Changed only the button IMAGES by going to see that a lot of pleasant.
In order to clean this topic should remove the card and hard reboot (long press to maturity of the screen, long press to launch) 0 all you old devays-program. The same procedure will make when changing the shell (such as MIOPOKET (there is still preliminary it is necessary to conduct the operation Delete button MioPoket regular package, although in recent times and it does not help).
If you have what it changes (icons, reported maps, etc.) then watching the results should be soft reboot. Pressing the menu long before the off-Reload, select Restart.
Assembly is implemented as three separate blocks of downloaded:
Base (main content of all the screens / icons but without naviprog and additional programs);
Multi (added copy, contains all the additional programs and games, without navigation);
Navi (block navigation programs, added copying, password s520)
Multi navibloki and the version of 13.06.08 merged.
Firefox made for the version of 13.06.2008.
1. Automate import custom regfaylov. The addition makes it possible not to prescribe a MioAvtoRan custom regfayly, but simply put them in a folder Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ Registry \ Custom
After all regfayly XP from this folder will be imported.
In the appendix: a modified MioAutoRun.scp - removed line registration files, Internet connection, added lines avtoregita all files from the Custom. For the self-sufficient users - this line:
************************************************** ***************************
RegEdit "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ Registry \ Registry.reg"
# Execute the script to import all registry files in \ Storage Card \ Mio \ MioAutoRun \ Unlock \ Registry \ Custom
Call "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ Utils \ MortScript \ MortScript.exe" "\ Storage Card \ Mio \ RegistryImport.mscr"
************************************************** ***************************
Also adding files themselves Registry.reg and RegistryImport.mscr, has already spread to the appropriate folder.
2. A simple voice recorder in the assembly. It is quite simple and can only write well, OK, but does so in good faith. You can read the same korepleerom files, wrote in my directory Mio \ Utils \ multi \ KeepRecordin (you can change the path in the settings).
Button on the recorder placed on the first page.
3. Below the icon of the Opera there was a small icon - clicking on it, all data from the Application Data \ Opera copied to the Storage Card \ Mio \ Utils \ Multi \ Opera \ Application Data \ Opera, which means that retains all the current settings (bookmarks, start page, history, etc.) and the next XP, everything will be restored. In my opinion, this technologically advanced than in version Ospreya, when this procedure is carried out every time I start Opera. You must continue - wriggling, no need to - do without writing, then once again to chase the map.
4. In the dopprog Useful got two progi: Line (autostart with a turn) and a flashlight. Well liked. At the same time eksportnul registry file with the settings a ruler and put it in Custom.
5. Skype on nzo2004 adapted to our assembly.
My changes: Starting a script with the simultaneous launch of keyb.exe (box call Claudia at the top left corner) and screen rotation. When you exit and kill the process keyb.exe (box disappears). By the way, looking at the script everyone can apply it to other prog that used keyb.exe (Opera, etc.)
6. Added window Internet.
7. Replaced version Ozy on Ozi 2.15
8. By naviprogam added BeeLineGPS 1.83-program for GPS orienteering. Among the differences from analogue - warning about speeding, as well as the detection system hoards geocaching. Especially good for geocaching, can store a lot of statuses treasures, you can work with them to record their treasures, etc. It can store up to 15,000 waypoints and more than 100 icons to them.
9. Updated version of Igo8 M4 +
Update skins for iGO 8.
Resolution only 480x272
==== Ver. 0.7c ====
- Fixed job multirascheta: on screen, "Methods of calculating the route" when selecting any option make the appropriate adjustments in the global configuration model for calculating the route (had never done before), and updated labels on the keys of the cyclic calculation.
Modified quick menu:
- Click on the area of the second maneuver is a shortcut menu. The menu is hidden in the following cases:
a) when you (Long Press) any of the buttons
c) Pressing the zone of the second maneuver,
b) if not press any key within 10 seconds, a menu button "fade away", and after another 5 seconds disappear;
- Now involved the following functions (written assignment keys by default):
The upper button (normal click): capture a screenshot (using the utility CapScrUtil fundamentally iGO8);
The upper button (long click): Appointment of Action for the menu keys;
middle button (normal click): mapping the route to full screen;
middle button (long click): multiraschet (displaying 4 route options);
The bottom button (normal click): search for POI on the route (if any) or the position of the GPS;
The bottom button (long click): Search Favourites
Note: The middle button is displayed only when there is an active route.
Last edited by NELUCU; 1st June 2010 at 04:16 AM.
thanks, cant get the other nav progs to work though, any way to get them working on the mio?
the new version?
I use C720