Please give me a hint... Link or something..
Hello everyone,
I had some problems with the connection to the Mio.
So he updated not everything and stopped updating.
I removed everything from de Mio (that was stuppid..)... Fomat the Mio.
I uploaded something what I found on the internet... but it is in Spanisch and old! (prefer Dutch )
Can someone help me a bit to update my Mio up to date?
Regards, Rob
Last edited by robie; 27th December 2017 at 05:15 PM.
Please give me a hint... Link or something..
Last edited by Boki; 28th December 2017 at 08:38 PM.
Perfect suggestion @Boki_Srb I cant' belive that that my link from 2015 is still working
Thank you @Boki_Srb and @Janch Without the help of you two wasn't it succeed!
Downloaded the file.. and put it in!!
It is working again! Great.
Only the language... How do I get it in Dutch!
(Sorry.. Newbee)
New post: Selected now Englisch.. and thats OK.
But now: How can I select Streets in my Country (Dutch)...
I don't see it. Sorry for that!
Update: When I want select a place He can't find enything...
Country and place...? Sorry..
Last edited by robie; 29th December 2017 at 07:12 PM.
Here, Dutch voices and lang:
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unzip and copy lang file in \Primo\content\lang and voice files to \Primo\Content\voice
and here are new maps:
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due to a lack of memory on your mio flash disk (M400 unfortunately doesn't have SD slot) you cannot add entire Europe, so you should add maps only for your preferred countries.
Thank You Janch for the quick replay!
TommorowI will put it in the Mio... Let you now.
Update: It is Working!!
Thank You Both For helping me out!
The learning process has begun!!
Last edited by robie; 31st December 2017 at 10:55 AM.