Generally with this file, should bypass the original GPS launch menu and directly enter in WindowsCE.
Try both ways.
Give some model to the GPS device for better orientation!
Tried it just now using a blank SD card but it came up with a "No GPS" message.
If I was to use the original card, do I just copy your file into the original card with the original GPS contents or do I have to remove the original contents of the card and then copy your file over?
Generally with this file, should bypass the original GPS launch menu and directly enter in WindowsCE.
Try both ways.
Give some model to the GPS device for better orientation!
Last edited by railroad; 8th April 2018 at 11:18 AM.
Firstly, thanks for your replies.
I tried both methods on the original SD card.
Without the original files, just your file, "No GPS" message appears.
With original files and your file, it will play the original GPS program.
There are only two folders in the original card. The folders are named "Buloo" and "ecupdate". The Buloo folder is where the nav files are kept (2gb size). There is nothing in the ecupdate folder.
Try this method.....
In the root directory of your SD Card copy the two files of this archive:
This post requires you to click the "LIKE this post" button and hit F5 to read this content.
Reset the device and turn it on again.
If that does not help, I have no more ideas. Good Luck.....
Post me a one screenshot, to see the contents of a folder Buloo in case this method does not help you!
Last edited by railroad; 8th April 2018 at 12:22 PM.
Nope. That didn't work either. Still got the "No GPS" message.
I then created a new folder "Buloo". Transferred your files into it, renamed "explorer.exe" to "Buloo.exe". All I got was a "GPS Loading" message that's it. Nothing else happened.
Thanks you for all your help. I will leave the unit as it is. Thanks again.
Spoiler: pics
Last edited by Boki; 26th September 2019 at 11:46 AM.
Ok. Perfect.....
There is nothing special about navigation.
1. Follow the first topic instructions to copy the files to your device.
2. Rename the file:
This folder is SDMMC\WolfNCU\WolfNCU.exe
to do so:
This folder is SDMMC\WolfNCU\Buloo.exe
as is your exe file.
3. In folder:
This folder is SDMMC\WolfNCU
you must edit the contents of all files with an extension .ini, to suit your ways ( your device )
4. If you do not know, this program ( PortTool ) will help you
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
I've renamed it beforehand to say it Buloo.exe, so when you start the device, it starts and not your navigation program!
The program PortTool ( Buloo.exe ) after scanning your device, need to create a log file in the root directory of your memory card or in the folder where it is located Buloo.exe which has the following appearance:
Spoiler: After Scanning
Use the lines in color blue, to understand the exact path names for your device when changing the .ini files from point 3.
Last edited by railroad; 8th April 2018 at 01:58 PM.
Attached is the log file created using PortTool. From what I understand, the SD card is named "Storage Card", yes?
I have to continue this tomorrow. I got some other stuff to do.
Thanks again.
Last edited by Magnetron; 20th June 2018 at 02:05 AM. Reason: don't multi post in a row edit instead
Yes! The memory card name is Storage Card Internal memory name is ResidentFlash
Now, when copying files from first post you must observe the original directory to the executable file ( Buloo.exe ) to be located by WindowsCE and then, change all .ini files from WolfNCU to match the changes made.
After much trial and error (and your guidance) I have managed to get some progress on the unit. So far the following are working:
- All Skins are showing
- Music player. Initially, whenever I play music thru the skins, the music will be jumbled up with whatever was playing beforehand thru the main unit. For example, if i have radio 'on' then select music from the skin, both radio and music from skin will come 'on' together. I solved this by copying a blank audio file (no sound) into a thumbdrive. Then I select that file (and repeating it), after that I select music from skin. Then I can hear music from skin uninterrupted.
I am unable to get the following to work:
- Program/Application. When I select this, I get two rows of blank orange coloured boxes. If I select any of the boxes (or the +/- sign) a small window will pop up but the window is blank with only two buttons in Chinese at the middle of the box.
Also, the file explorer is in Chinese (file, options, exit, etc) even though I have selected 'English' in the WolfCNU config box. I am also attaching the WolfUNC.ini file in text form for your perusal.
All in all, I am happy that the functions above works. Thank you for your patience and guidance. Excellent!!
I am replying this for the second time (for some reason the first one did not go through). I am attaching the a text file of the WolfNCU.ini. So far the following is working nicely:
- All skins with functioning buttons
- Music player. Initially, if i have the radio 'on' and select music thru the skin, both sound from radio and player will mix/jumble. The same if i play music from the thumbdrive and player from skin. I solved this by putting a blank audio file in the thumbdrive. Now i can hear music from the player.
Not working:
- Application. Not working if select application from skin. Working if select from quick settings.
- Imageviewer. When selected, only wolf logo appears on white background. What is the max size for pictures?
- File explorer is in chinese (File, Option, Exit, etc). How to change to english?
Overall, I am happy with this. Thank you very very much for your patience and guidance. Excellent stuff!!!
Last edited by Magnetron; 20th June 2018 at 02:06 AM. Reason: don't multi post in a row edit instead
how are you??
i really need your help how can i unlock Hyundai headunit can i use wolf ncu ? to make alternative menu
i need this because it is korean langue and i cant use it also i need to change the navigator to make it IGO primo better.
thanks in advance
please help![]()