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    Default How to show a track on the map

    I just try to work with Ozi Android 1.28. I find a route navigation and a waypoint navigation, but not a track navigation.
    How can I load a track and show it on the map (like I can do it with a route)?

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  3. #2
    IT Administrator How to show a track on the map
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    It doesn't show a track navigation because it is not "a show me how to get to a place" a route is a point to point as you drive the route will turn into a track and you have it saved, you then can reload that track but you can not use it to travel again it will save another. Basically it's not a Tomtom/Garmin but TT and Garmins don't save tracks.
    You can copy the track off your Android and load it into the PC version as is or Google Earth as a KML file.
    This shows the Idea of my waypoints and tracks of where I have been or going.

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    Last edited by Magnetron; 10th April 2017 at 03:11 AM.
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  4. #3
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    Hi Magnetron,
    thanks for your answer. But I don't understand it. In OziCE I habe the possibility to load a track and show it on the map. I than will be able, to travel it again. Why don't I have this possiblitity in Ozi Android? To load a track and travel it again is on of the most important things a gps-software must do. I also work with TwoNav or Garmin. Of course they can load tracks.

  5. #4
    IT Administrator How to show a track on the map
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    If they can load tracks where is the function because I've never been able to download it on a Garmin "City Navigator unit" ,excepting my Garmin etrax which is not a Navigator unit.
    And Android is only a software change to a CE unit of which I use.
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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wole View Post
    I just try to work with Ozi Android 1.28. I find a route navigation and a waypoint navigation, but not a track navigation.
    How can I load a track and show it on the map (like I can do it with a route)?
    Hi, I'm just guessing, but is this what you mean with "load a track and show it on the map" ? [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    *in that video I used my track file from Garmin gpsmap64, just converted it to ".plt" for OziExplorer
    *for converting ".gpx" to ".plt" I used [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetron View Post
    If they can load tracks where is the function because I've never been able to download it on a Garmin "City Navigator unit" ,excepting my Garmin etrax which is not a Navigator unit.
    And Android is only a software change to a CE unit of which I use.
    OziCE has a function called "Trackline load". Then I can choose a plt.track, which I saved in for example "ozi/data/tracks". This track is loaded an shown on the map. I can give track a colour and follow it. This function I am missing in Ozi Android.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kartons View Post
    Hi, I'm just guessing, but is this what you mean with "load a track and show it on the map" ? [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    *in that video I used my track file from Garmin gpsmap64, just converted it to ".plt" for OziExplorer
    *for converting ".gpx" to ".plt" I used [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Yes, thank you. That's what I meant. But in OziCE it is much easilier to load a track. I also can't change the colour of the track. And I miss a line to show, where the track starts.

  9. #8
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    I found where to change color and size of track tail and loaded tracks, there is video demonstration: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    but I can`t find any option where to check/choose that beginning of track is shown :/

    Maybe you should contact developers about your suggestions, but I do not know if they respond
    once I wrote suggestion about "OZF4" file format but I have not received any reply to that
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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kartons View Post
    I found where to change color and size of track tail and loaded tracks, there is video demonstration: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    but I can`t find any option where to check/choose that beginning of track is shown :/

    Maybe you should contact developers about your suggestions, but I do not know if they respond
    once I wrote suggestion about "OZF4" file format but I have not received any reply to that
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    Thank you for your answer, but I think, to contact the support is hopeless. I twice didn't get an answer. I probably will use the software from TwoNav. It seems to be much better and I get answers from the support.

  11. #10
    IT Administrator How to show a track on the map
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    I looked at my CE device and checked your suggestion Wole the listing I found was Load "Track Tail" so I did but it was from my last trip and I couldn't find it on the map anyway was prob the same colour as the Map hey, It is a feature I don't use as I mainly have been using CE as my moving map feature now for 17yrs with M8's as we go off to try and find Gold Nuggets that the Old Timers have missed hey. It is used to log the tracks indefinitely for the whole trip.
    IT has been a good device and is still going and have met others using lappies and al sorts of things and have problems with cable etc of which I help them out with "being an Electronic Tech 1970 and of cause I carry the tools to do so' you know plies/cutters/wire and Soldering equipment all in a neat bag with spare phones and hand held radios and CB's and later will even carry HF gear. So if any body gets lost it won't be us Yay.

    Etrex I use:
    etrex zpsomn27and

    The CE device I use:
    PDA zpsarcasstl

    These 2 devices have been reliable and have got me to every place I needed to go.
    I also have a Netbook with the PC version loaded and ALL the places I have/we have been and if needed can just connect the Etrex to it and away we go if all fails.
    I know always where I am.
    Da Mags
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