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  1. #1

    Arrow OziExplorerCE 2.19 cra cked

    OziExplorerCE 2.19

    OziExplorerCE is moving map software for PocketPCs and Window CE PDAs

    OziExplorerCE is moving map software for PocketPCs and Window CE PDAs which use the WinCE core operating system. It uses raster map images which are either scanned or purchased in digital format. It allows you to track your position received from a GPS on a map (moving map).

    OziExplorerCE is not automatic route planning software, you cannot request the best way to get from point A to point B, the types of maps OziExplorerCE uses do not allow this. However OziExplorerCE will allow you to create your own routes on the map and navigate along those.

    The design philosophy is you plan your trip using the full PC OziExplorer on you PC and then transfer your waypoints and other data to your PDA for use by OziExplorerCE.

    Main Features
    Uses almost any map which can be created by the PC version of OziExplorer.
    Moving map navigation using any GPS providing NMEA output in one of the supported sentences.
    Design the screens used in OziExplorerCE using the PC based designer software.
    Automatic loading of the next map.
    Automatic Route prompting with user created routes (voice and symbol).
    Create Route on screen using the stylus.
    Check for more detailed map at a set interval.
    5 user tracks can be loaded
    Tracks can be created on the map using the stylus
    Logging of Track points to file.
    Create Waypoint at current position * Create Waypoints using the Stylus.
    Drag Map Objects to new position.
    Many Map Zoom levels.
    Various Position display formats.
    On screen display of Speed and Bearing.
    Speed Monitor (plays sounds (wav files) when set speeds exceeded).
    Display Waypoints on the map.
    Find Maps at cursor position.
    Name Search * Log Book
    Satellite View * Map View
    + much, much more.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2.    Advertissements

  3. #2


    the last part is here... and password for all is "access_gopal" extract all in same place and when it ask to replace then do yes...
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #3
    IT Administrator OziExplorerCE 2.19 cra cked
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    THXs but am having problems finding the setup program.

  5. #4
    Junior Member
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    i agree with you, i like this

  6. #5
    IT Administrator OziExplorerCE 2.19 cra cked
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    THXs I guess

    Every time I log in I get the same screens. hope this stops "different to other Forums am member of mmmm."

    Was a useful file

    Just for interest the OziCE file is only just 4MB long don't .cab it then .rar it is a waste of time for you and others, if you must .rar just do it only. Also at that time you got it it was free on the OZi site anyway and just do a Code link to the site and then provide your "special code" only link, much better because you get life time upgrades on software. "except Version 1.xx as this was a beta" Am a long time user since Beta 1.00.

    Enjoy IGs
    Last edited by Downunder35m; 13th May 2013 at 03:00 AM.

  7. #6
    Master Downunder35m's Avatar
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    You do realise that you are replying to an upload that is 5 years old?
    Password for all my files: downunder

  8. #7
    IT Administrator OziExplorerCE 2.19 cra cked
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    Yes but was one of my first posts here "ages ago" and was confused with the system and felt some clarification was needed so thought would be nice to clarify even though it was old. ^_^
    Da IGs.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
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    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.
    Magnetron Legacy




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