It may be helpful:
add the desired folder "Filters"
United Arab Emirates
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Spoiler: Link
Thanks FireFox58
Added a New Version (1.3.3 - November 2013) at Post #1
Fixed some issues about converting in UTF-8 format (Files *.GPX)
Now special charatters and diacritics symbols are correcty shown
Have Fun!
It may be helpful:
add the desired folder "Filters"
United Arab Emirates
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Spoiler: Link
Thanks FireFox58
Very nice Filters nyky ...
I'm trying them and ... I just discovered a bug ...
Filter UAE:
- Lat e Lon must be separated by SPACE, not by COLON
- First Point and Last Point must be the same
Filter Romania:
- All OK
To be continued ...
ManagePoi by FireFox58 - Garmin POI Manager
Versione 1.3.6 released
Version 1.3.6 - 11/25/2014
- Changed Codify Sistem for Files .GPX (from UTF-8 to Windows-1252)
- Add Show and Editing feature for wrong Rows in Source Files.
- Add Decoding Field <cmt> </cmt> (all beyond Phone Number will be inserted in this GPX Field).
- Improved Source File Cleaning features.
- Added 3 Geographic Filters (EuropeFull+Turkey, UAE, Romania), thanks to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
- Minor adjustments
Editing Original Files (rows with errors)
The software, during Loading, cleans rows of Source FIles from specials charatters (not permitted) and dummy spaces.
In case will be detected any abnormality in Data, the software shows the relative Row in a Box Edit,
giving the possibility of:
- OK (Don’t Save Changes to Source File), leaves unchanged the line and processes Point.
If Reopening the profile, this message will be resubmitted because the Source File remains unchanged.- OK (Save Changes to Source File), stores the changes made to the line, processes the Point and save changes on the Original Source File.
- SKIP (Don’t Process POINT), the Punto is skipped and NOT processed.
If Reopening the profile, this message will be resubmitted because the Source File remains unchanged.- SKIP (Delete Row from Source File), the Row is removed from Source and the Point is NOT processed.
Have Fun!
Note for MOD: Can you insert this Update in Post n° 1? Thanks
Last edited by FireFox58; 28th November 2014 at 07:45 PM.
Sure ... But:
- I've edited Filter (LAT & LON must be separated by Space, not by Colon)
- I 've rearranged the JPG image (it should be squared to best fit in the window)
To add this Filter is quite simple: just copy the 2 Files (.flt and ,jpg) in the Filter subdirectory of the software.
The software load it automatically.
EastEurope2.rar corrected attached
ManagePoi by FireFox58 - Garmin POI Manager
Versione 1.3.7 released
Version 1.3.7 - 09/11/2015
- Upgraded Javascipt to fit Google API v3 (more performant)
- Added view of Proximity Area (coloured Circle) in Google Maps windows, if any configured for the Category
- Improved Source File Cleaning features (no more needing to attach corrected Redlight_70.csv in SCDB thread).
New Google Maps Windows appearance
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Have Fun!
Note for MOD: Can you insert this Update in Post n° 1? Thanks
Would you please re-post the link to the latest version of POI Manager ?