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  1. #11
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I just finished testing it. It is so so compared to other GPS app that can be found on this forum.

    Yes it is free but that is pretty much you can say about it.

    The reviews on GP are not the best also.....

    But if you do not want to pay and then use this app......

    Now you take "Osmand+" as an example is far better along with other gps apps that use OSM maps....

    There will be other users that will list other gps app that are far better too.
    Last edited by asprin624; 26th January 2025 at 12:01 PM.

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  3. #12
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for yr input, asprint624.
    I would have preferred to have your opinion on what is missing in Magic Earth versus application X or Y.
    Personally I only know about IGO (only a bit !) and about OSMAND~ (not so much !)
    I certainly agree that IGO and OSMAND are globally better than Magic Earth.

    This spring, I will try to use in my camper van (vehicle dimensions must be taken into account), at the same time, IGO (which, in my opinion, is quite perfect, except for radars) and Magic Earth (which can alert on radars and it has some good features also).
    And I'll use OSMAND when hiking in the mountains. Although i didn't use it, I feel that Magic Earth will be less efficient than OSMAND (but better than IGO due to the OSM maps)..

    I am very interested in knowing what is not good in Magic Earth versus other tablets/smartphones road navigation softwares.
    So, if some members did a complete test and would accept to share, thank you in advance.

  4. #13
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    You will have to do your own testing of the 3 GPS app and compare them to each other.

    Read the reviews on Play Store about Magic Earth it has been around since 2015.

    OSMAND+ can be used for car travel as an example along with biking and hiking.
    It has builtin bike and hike paths that can be turn on and off.
    You can also change how the map looks with different color layouts.
    Also turn on and off how much details you want to see on the map screen.
    These are just some of the things OSMAND+ has to offer.

    Spoiler: Here is their website:
    Please Login or Register to see the links

    As for IGO I have not used it so I can not comment on it.

    Then report back and give us your evaluation of Magic Earth as you compare it to the other 2 GPS apps......
    "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston Churchill

  5. #14
    Junior Member
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    Thank you Asprin624 !
    Quote Originally Posted by asprin624
    Read the reviews on Play Store about Magic Earth it has been around since 2015.
    Seems you believe that since 2015, there has been no improvements in Magic Earth.
    It is not useful for me to read reviews issued before the spring of 2024, as Magic Earth improved version was released around this period.
    All recent reviews are very good !
    But it is from play store users and I would have preferred to have the opinion of a gpspower member.

    On January 26th you wrote :
    "I just finished testing it"
    Therefore it is fresh in your memory and you are normally well placed to give a detailed opinion on the deficiencies that you have detected.

  6. #15
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I already spelled out that I found the gps so so and that is my opinion. I do not need to go into details about what I do not like about it.

    Please take the time to test it for yourself, only you can decide if it meets your requirements or not.

    I pointed out some of what I like about OSMAND+ should be a marker as to my choice of a gps app.
    There are many I have tested some I have a subscriptions to others I have purchased that fit my needs.
    Magic Earth does not fit my needs at all.
    There may be others that are happy with this Magic Earth GPS app.
    But I do not see anyone adding to this topic at this time.
    Maybe someone will maybe not.

    I have no more to say on this topic.
    Have a nice day........

    I would think you would have tested it by now and are able to make a judgment good or bad when it comes to this GPS app......
    "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston Churchill

  7. #16
    Member + Free Magic Earth, a division of ROUTE 66Free Magic Earth, a division of ROUTE 66Free Magic Earth, a division of ROUTE 66
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    The best routes after TomTom, the problem is the numbers of the streets many mistakes



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