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  1. #1
    Master cnrv77's Avatar
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    Default Nav4All 7.1.0 to v9.0.0 - free GPS navigation tool (update 18/06/09)

    Nav4All 7.1.0 integrates Navigation, Tracking & Tracing and Myworld in one product.

    It works worldwide on your own mobile phone in North America, Brasil, Mexico, Europe, Australia and soon in China as well.

    You'll never lose your way again and you'll always know where you and your friends are located.

    You get access to over 1 billion addresses on MyWorld, including Yellow Pages, phonebooks, etc.

    While you're on the road you can easily save an interesting location by pressing one button. Or you can take a picture which will be instantly visible on a map on the Myworld website. Your pictures are visible to you or also to your friends, that's up to you.

    Compatible devices :

    All Symbian OS9.1 + Nokia E65 and N95
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