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  1. #1
    Member reosan's Avatar
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    autovelox Speed camera radar Pro-Rivelatore Radar up to v1.49

    VVRb3ld85 B4m Xy Izn9 ZZvgr KJENOmw E5 S4 M9lfq Wx 3 Vh2t

    Application to detect speed cameras on the road
    (Lurking phones, cameras static, built-in lights), bumps, rough roads and other hazards.

    Spoiler: NOTE
    The latest version supports all countries of the world!

    Users can add danger to the common database.
    Furthermore, when the user can determine the degree of risk of danger, that indicates whether or not a real threat.

    The application informs the sound and will show on the map sort type of danger and away from danger.
    If you are connected to the internet you will be able to monitor traffic on the roads.

    The application can run in the background (with the screen). Just turn the notification settings for voice and start scanning mode dangers.

    The cards have support for displaying 3D buildings (tilt the map with two fingers from the top down), and the "rotate the map while driving" (enabled in the settings).

    You can always get a fresh database Hazards database update.

    The principle of the application differs from the radar detector hardware.
    Radar detector Hardware - is a passive receiver that does not mute the signal to which it is attached, and simply notify the driver of the presence in the field of radio waves emit radar.
    This application works differently, using a database of risks previously identified by other users. For example, if the application is informed about the waiting furniture, this means that at this point would probably be lurking phone.
    How to work with the application?

    1. If you just installed an application you should see "update databases dangers" to download and install the latest speed camera database for your region (country).
    2. To perform the detection mode of danger, press the "On". bottom of the screen.
    3. The application takes into account and only communicate the risks that lie along the path.
    4. Settings, you can call by swiping your finger from the left edge of the screen to the right.

    Spoiler: NOTE

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    If you want to understand a person, do not listen to his words, observing his behavior. "Albert Einstein"

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  3. #2
    Member reosan's Avatar
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    Speed camera radar Pro v1.48

    March 18, 2015

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    If you want to understand a person, do not listen to his words, observing his behavior. "Albert Einstein"

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    Speed camera radar Pro v1.49

    1) The possibility to see the dangers in the map during the displacement map
    2 ) automatic zoom Map contains automatic tilt
    3) algorithm for detecting dangers has been improvements
    4) error correction.

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