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Thread: GIR_Editor

  1. #21
    Member snehne's Avatar
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    updates --

    * with all the instructions/examples I finally managed to produce 480x272 logo bin files that can be loaded and modified by GIR_Editor. I actually created two versions: one with a single image, and the other with 2 images. Both can be manipulated by GIR_Editor, and loaded onto the 660, and both showed the correct boot-up image.

    * What I did was simply putting the header and the bmp(s) together, filled it up with FF, and with a dummy checksum byte; the I loaded into GIR_Editor, replaced the image, and saved -- the tool will produce the right checksum.

    * However, It now seems that there are two display steps , one for boot-up, and one for initialization and USB connection mode. The first one is now all correct. But the second one is still messed up -- It looks like that every line gets left shifted by a pixel or two compared to the previous line. With the 2 image version (both images the same) the second display also has a very dark blue overlay (the twisted imaged was barely visible). This looks like it is trying to display a e.g. 478x272 image into 480x272; each line eats a couple more pixels from the next line.

    * Moreover, with the single image version, I can change the splash image via the "display" setting (previously if I did that the unit would freeze); it works, but again, only the first display is good; the second one is the shifted/twisted version of the first one. With the two image version, this would freeze as before.

    * So it seems that a single image is correct (no freeze, replaceable); however it seems that the logo bin file needs some extra information, probably at the end of the image file (I think my 2-image version was not right, but the bytes after the image made some difference).

    * The problem of GIR_Editor with the "original" logo.bin was the incorrect size of the bmp (the header has the right size which is 480x272x2, but the image seems larger). But that one (despite garbled) shows up the same way for both display steps. So there is something right about the "wrong" size ...

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  3. #22


    Hi snehne,

    Sorry for the delay. I was out of town for a week. Here some more info for you.

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    No need to change everything in your current working logo.bin file. Just add the missing information below:

    At offset 10, the dataset 04 00 00 00 of size 04 00 00 00 has a value of 04 00 00 00. You need this header is you want more than one logo in the file. This one has 4. Change the 04 at address 18 (all in hex) to 02 to have 2 logos. You need to add those 12 (decimal) bytes at offset 10.

    Each logo must have a dataset 0D 00 00 00 (see address 63) with a size 1C 00 00 00. Make sure to change the size V & H... in the header. Then, add the 01 00 00 00 dataset (see address 87) with the righ BMP size (next 4 bytes) followed by the bitmap itself.

    Pad with FF only the last bmp and use the last byte as the checksum which will be calculated by GIR_Editor.

    One last note: the logo used for the USB is generally vertically smaller than the one for the normal bootup. Not sure which resolution you should use.

  4. #23
    Member snehne's Avatar
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    @Turbo -- Thanks for the reply.

    My logo files were conforming to the above format (I read your post in the other forum regarding the format, and followed it). GIR_Editor could load, save, and replace without problems.

    I posted the two logo files in [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. To recoup:

    [1] single 480x272. Splash page is fine, and is replaceable. USB page looks garbled like the splash displayed with wrong dimensions.
    [2] double 480x272. Splash is fine (first image), not not replaceable (GPS hangs). USB page also looks garbled like splash in wrong dimension, but was with a very dark tint and barely noticible (i.e. practically just a dark screen). By playing with the images I am sure the garbled USB screen was derived from the splash.

    Note that in the above single image version my header did not have the 12 bytes from 0x10 to 0x1B (that gives the number of images). The double image version does have the bytes.

    Since then I did some more experiments:
    * single image, but with the 12 bytes (setting number of images to 1)
    * double images, with the second one 480x212 (i.e. smaller)
    Neither would display the splash at all (the splash screen was just black, and the USB screen is blank with default background).

    I also tried changing the number of padding bytes at the end (but always rounded to 16). GIR_Editor seems immune to that; and it made no difference to the behavior on the GPS.

    At this moment, my hypothesis is that the logo file of the 660 (and cousins) is different from that of the others (with 480x212 logos); it uses a single 480x272 splash image, but somewhere in the logo data there is a parameter specifying how the USB screen should be derived from the splash -- that is what I am missing.


  5. #24


    Hi snehne,

    12-byte packet looks like: 04000000 04000000 02000000
    and not 02000000 04000000 02000000

    That is probably your problem. Also, stick with the smaller second logo. USB logo is always smaller.

  6. #25
    Member snehne's Avatar
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    yes that 02 was a mistake. I have since corrected it but the outcome remains the same...

  7. #26


    After the Splash screen text, you can have this bitmap header dataset:

    0D0000001C00000000000000D400E00110F60000C0030000000000000000000000000000 (from Chinese logo)

    but you decided to go with


    I am ok with the 0D 00 00 00 record, but I wonder why you have 14 as size rather than 1C.

    This is just a possible alternative and not necessarily a recommendation. Make sure to update the right bytes. Use at your own risks.
    Last edited by turboccc; 24th April 2011 at 04:43 AM.

  8. #27
    Member snehne's Avatar
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    the image header of size 14 was from the "original" (non-working) version (that had me started with this). But I did try the 1C version as well; it wouldn't work (displaying a blank screen).

    This 660 seems quite a different beast ...

  9. #28


    I edited my previous post. I forgot the Japan 00 00 00 00 record is used with only one bitymap, not 2.

  10. #29
    Member TCIII's Avatar
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    Check my last post in the 660 in your 660 firware thread

  11. #30
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    Default 1 Byte too large

    Hello, I am struggling, I wanted to remove some chinese letters in a logo... I tried everything with Photoshop... the result is always that the new BMP is exactly 1 byte larger than the original one... can anybody explain my how to save the edited BMP in Photoshop so that the size matches the original one. See here... the original rgn-file plus one edited BMP that is too large:
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