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Thread: GIR_Editor

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by garbaetsch View Post
    Hello, I am struggling, I wanted to remove some chinese letters in a logo... I tried everything with Photoshop... the result is always that the new BMP is exactly 1 byte larger than the original one... can anybody explain my how to save the edited BMP in Photoshop so that the size matches the original one. See here... the original rgn-file plus one edited BMP that is too large:
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    Me again... I found a workaround for the file size issue... I opened the BMP (that was 1 byte too large) with the application 'paint.net'... and simply saved it again by accepting all default settings....

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  3. #32



    Just saw your reply: perfect!

  4. #33


    I have modified GIR_Editor to replace the PNG in the 37xx logo.bin file. You can find GIR_Editor v0.30 here.

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  5. #34

    Default You can try (with carefully)


  6. #35


    I just released GIR_Editor v0.31 which now supports fw1_resources.bin files of type 20 (used by Nuvi 34xx). If you want to extract the symbols from the resource files, this is the tool to do it.

    You can find the wiki page for GIR_Editor v0.31 and the download link here:

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  7. #36


    GIR_Editor V0.32 is coming soon. It will handle logo replacement for 24xx/23xx models.

  8. #37


    GIR_Editor v0.32


    •Added support to replace BMP into 24xx/23xx logo.bin (GIR file). Make sure the resolution of the logo is preserved. The file size is not a problem.

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    For those who like the details:

    - The logo_24xx.bin is a GIR file of type 19 (like the 37xx).
    - The logo inside is a 16-bit bitmap encoded in 565 color (as opposed to a PNG in the 37xx)
    - The original file logo_24xx.bin is way too big. It has been made as a dump of a 24xx flash memory. It is filled by unused FF at the end of the file. GIR_Editor will remove them which will explain the smaller file size.
    Last edited by turboccc; 5th October 2011 at 01:44 AM.

  9. #38


    GIR_Editor V0.40 is coming soon. It will handle bitmap replacement in GIR file of type 19 (nuvi 37xx). You will be able to replace with icons that are bigger or smaller than the original. The program will rebuild the entire GIR file (aka fw1_resources.bin). When I have more time, I'll do the same for all other GIR file types. Oh! Yeahhhh!

  10. #39

    Smile GIR_Editor 0.40 Teaser...

    A before/after comparison with my 3750... Can you see the differences?

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    Hint: The picture on the right has the Where-To and View-Map bitmaps from the 34xx.

  11. #40

    Default GIR_Editor v0.40

    GIR_Editor v0.40

    This program will extract all symbols from a fw1_resources.bin file or logo.bin file. Such files can be extracted from .RGN or .GCD firmware files using RGN_Tool. Symbols can be extracted, previewed and saved from fw1_resources.bin files. So far, only resource files with type 10, 11, 12, 19 or 20 can be opened. The program will tell you if the file type is not recognized. If you have a GIR file of type 19 & 20, you can also replace existing symbols by new ones of any file size. Once modified, save to a new resources.bin file and flash to the GPS. (Refer to previous post above this one for examples of what can be done...)

    When logo.bin files are used, symbols can be extracted, previewed, saved and replaced with new bitmaps bitmaps of the same dimentions, but with different file size. Symbols are converted and saved as 24-bit bitmaps. You may edit and save the bitmaps with different editors including MS Paint. You may save the new symbols as 16-bit RGB 565, 24-bit or 32-bit bitmaps. When replaced, they will be converted back to 16-bit RGB 565. No compression is involved so do not worry about file size if you use the same bitmap dimentions. Once done, you can save the moddified file to a new .bin logo file.

    Legal Notice:

    The symbols extracted from a Garmin firmware file belongs to Garmin and copyrights may apply. I am not responsible for any usage you may do with these symbols.

    Official disclaimers:

    • Do this at your own risks!

    • Do not flash any FW if you are getting weird errors

    • Do not flash logos from one gps model to a different model

    What's new in v0.40

    • Added EULA terms agreement. Not for use in commercial applications.

    COOL! Added symbol replacement in gir files of type 19 (37xx) & 20 (34xx)

    • Supports a new format of logo.bin from gps 62S (Requested by PouchX)

    • Improvements to gui when extracting symbols

    • Symbol file names have now correct image dimensions and frame dimensions

    • Improvements to symbol structure extraction.

    You can find the wiki page for GIR_Editor and the download link here:
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    More info :
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    Last edited by turboccc; 31st October 2011 at 12:31 AM.



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