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  1. #1

    POI Extra_POI_Editor up to v5.97 (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)

    This is the original Extra POI Editor (EPE) by TurboCCC. It is a free program that allows you to create, view, edit and convert GPX, CSV, MGLN, OV2, XLS and KML POI files to any other format. It is an easy way to create or modify TourGuides files by adding icon, MP3 or JPG files. There are so many features that it is difficult to list them all. For more information about EPE, visit the EPE home page by clicking on the link in my signature.

    I am currently working on adding .gpi file creation. This thread is dedicated to EPE v5.xx beta. If you want to be the first to test or to give me suggestions about how it should be done, this thread is for you. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged. I need your help to make something that will be useful for YOU.

    Latest download link:
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    Main Features
    �Edit GPX files and preview what it will look-like on your Nuvi 760
    �Create/Add new POI with extra information for the 'More' page
    �Import/Export POI from/to GPX, CSV, XLS, TomTom OV2, Magellan MGLN and GoogleEarth KML files
    �Create TourGuides by adding MP3 and JPG
    �Create POI using geocoded JPG photos
    �Up to 24 column CSV file import (w/ complex multiple field extraction) and export
    �'More' preview display
    �Command-line arguments
    �'Image' preview display
    �'Map' preview display
    �Map markers & coordinates grabber
    �Audio preview in Preview window and in POI Edit window
    �Advanced search functions with keyword highlights
    �Basic 4-column and Multiple Column CSV export
    �POI sorting by Name and Location
    �Find duplicate POIs (by distance radius)
    �Help and contextual help separate download (Kudos to rufree4t for writing it!)
    �Multiple links support
    �Sort by location, name, location, city, state, best route and category
    �Open all POIs in MapSource or GoogleEarth
    �Batch Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
    �Automatic State, Postcode and Phone extraction
    �4-Column CSV custom output formatting (ULTRA COOL!)
    �Route display and ability to search POI close to the specified route (v4.80+).
    �Save to Magellan MGLN file (v4.80+)
    �Save to .GPI (beta v5.xx, not fully completed but working)

    Current version in post n 135

    Update: JavaScript error is FIXED!

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    Changes from v5.94 to beta v5.95
    �Added back route display in View POIs on MAP. Each route has a different color.
    �In the POI Edit page, a right-click on the map can be used to move POI market to a new position. It is still possible to drag the POI marker.
    �Fixed an issue where EPE would crash when grabbing alert circles in POI Edit window.
    �Fixed an issue where the alert circles would not get redrawn after pressing the geocoding button in the POI Edit window.
    Changes from v5.93 to beta v5.94
    �Added back the StreetView in View menu. Select one poi and check it on StreetView.
    �Added back the View POIs on MAP in view menu. View all loaded POIs on the map.
    �Still missing: view routes on map (feature lost since v5.91). Working on it.

    Changes from v5.92 to beta v5.93
    �Added back the circle list. Cool! In the POI Edit page, you can add alert circles directly on the map. Use "Grab Circles" button afterward
    Last edited by catymag; 2nd March 2015 at 06:38 PM. Reason: updated version and links

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  3. #2

    Default Where-To icon

    Here's how to make your own POI icon in the Where-To:

    You need to make 2 icons: one default icon that is displayed and one when the icon is pressed. They must have the same name as your .gpi file with the suffix 1.bmp and 2.bmp. For example, if you want a poi file Rest_Areas.gpi, you need to make 2 bitmaps Rest_Areas1.bmp and Rest_Areas2.bmp. You must also set the path to find those 2 files in the Preferences. This folder will be used for the Where-To icons, but can be optionally used for some map symbols as well.

    If the files cannot be found, EPE will supply its default logo for you. It's ugly, but it does the job. For sure, you will recognize it when you see it. Try to make logos smaller than 150 pixels by 150 pixels for newer gps models (like the 37xx) or smaller than 64 x 64 pixels for older models (like the 760). Logos can be regular 24-bit logo, or even better, 32-bit logos with transparency.

    Example: I have the follofing files
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    This way, I can save Rest_Areas.gpi anywhere and EPE will look for the Where-To folder as set in the Preferences (here, it is set to C:\EPE_WhereTo_BMP.
    Last edited by turboccc; 4th February 2011 at 12:50 AM.

  4. #3

    Default Custom and Predefined Map Symbols

    When using "File->Export by Symbols (as .gpi)", EPE will automatically add the corresponding symbols as the map symbols for each symbol type. You will also see on your GPS that each symbol created a category using the name of the symbol.

    Rules for the map symbols:

    Let's say you have a POI file called "My Places.gpx" with one of the POI with the "Anchor" symbol. EPE will search the locations below *in order* to find your symbol:

    1- EPE will first try to find "My Places.bmp" in the source folder (where your poi file .gpx or .csv or ... was opened.

    2- Next, it searches for "Anchor.bmp" in the Where-To icon folder as specified in the Preferences.

    3- Next, it searches in its own internal bank of symbols and automatically adds the corresponding symbol bitmaps. I should provide soon the complete list of the current 249 supported symbols.

    4- If not found, EPE uses a small 7x7 square icon as the map symbol.

    Right now, the internal map symbols are 24x24 pixels. It is perfect for all new GPS models (like the 37xx series) with high resolution display. For older models (like my 760), 16x16 map symbols are much more appropriate. If you supply your own map symbol bitmaps, I suggest to make them the appropriate size. The most convenient place to put them is in the Where-To folder as specified in the Preferences. For best compatibility between GPS models, make 256-color bitmap and use magenta for the transparency.
    Last edited by turboccc; 4th February 2011 at 02:53 AM.

  5. #4

    Default About symbol size.

    Hi turboccc,
    Extra_Poi Editor displays 24x24 .bmp size
    I compare with icon symbol created from 3790's menu.
    (Colombo is from 3790 menu )


  6. #5


    Yes, I am using some old Map Source symbol icons. They are slightly different. I could use newer ones, but that would mean more work. Maybe I'll upgrade them when I have a chance.

  7. #6
    Navigation software expert Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    tom1807's Avatar
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    Any chance you could check into the issue with the vanishing Where to menus?

  8. #7


    Very difficult for me since I do not have your Garmin icon, but I have a theory: some GPS can only display one or two of those Where-To icon. This includes .gpi files made by Garmin or by EPE. I do not know how the GPS decides which one will be displayed: it could be alphabetical, partnumber related or any other priority they set. On some GPS, only one of my 2 .gpi files are shown. No trace whatsoever of the second one. If you imagine that this special Garmin icon (which I had never seen before) obeys a similar rule as Where-To POI, it is possible the GPS will not display it as it can display only one. For fun, try to name your .gpi file as zzz.gpi (using EPE!!!) to see if the Garmin icon will have priority.

    For sure, it would help a great deal if I could make it appear on mine. Tell me again which FW and which gps model you have?

  9. #8
    Navigation software expert Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    tom1807's Avatar
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    I have a Nuvi 765 Taiwan version FW 3.20.
    The House Number Search is only available for Taiwan, it replaces the Adress search.

    I guess I cannot ask you to flash your Nuvi 760 to TW version . Then you could have this symbol also.
    Will test your suggestion and also what happens when I remove the gmapprom1.img (which contains the Housenumber search).

    I suspected that only 16 symbols are possible in the "Where to" Menu
    Last edited by tom1807; 4th February 2011 at 02:10 PM.

  10. #9


    16 symbols in the Where-To menu: that would certainly explain why I see 2 gpi icons with the Sg/Mal firmware and only 1 with the CHN firmware. I will double chekc this when I am back home.

  11. #10

    Default New EPE v5.09 beta with Alerts

    At last! Here's the new version of EPE v5.09 beta with proximity and speed alert support. Yeah! Tested on both my 760 and 3750. That should cover most GPS.

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