SCDI: Hello I was able to load your map, thank you and I could see roads/trails in the Montreal/quebec area. I am in Maine so wasnt too hard to zoom out to find.
Question about the apps, do they have good instructions/Tutorials on how to make maps?
Also are there options for base maps to use, such as a topo or could I use my Garmin Topo map ver 2008?
Again, many thanks
~ Phil
Last edited by mpilihp; 24th March 2020 at 06:41 PM.
SCDI: Ok thank you, so GPSMapEdit can open and modify .img files directly? So I am wondering if there is just a setting in my .img files preventing them from working on the newer GPSs. So can I open your img file you sent me and view/compare the settings in it to mine?
~ Phil
Hum! You can still open my file but I don't believe when changing the settings your file will open in your GPS