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Thread: Missing Posts

  1. #1
    Master LouBouha's Avatar
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    Default Missing Posts

    Hi Moderators

    Today I see the disappearance of about five of my posts (From 93 or 94 to 88).

    I lost a star

    I do not find them in the trash

    I do not think it contain spam bans, insults ....

    Moderators thank you for giving me an explanation.


    PS: I regained a star with that one (I did not do it on purpose)
    Last edited by LouBouha; 22nd December 2017 at 05:59 PM.
    GPS: TomTom ONE

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Missing Posts
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    Boki's Avatar
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    I can see that you posted mostly in iGO section, less in TT and Sygic.
    Which posts you loose?
    Maybe some of them are merged. Maybe some are collateral damage, because a couple of major themes have been deleted/lost.
    (Forum lost a whole year. I don't care about count, but some of very good work is gone forever.)

    Btw, I think the number of posts is not that important. But the quality is. You give a good contribution to the forum so far
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  4. #3
    IT Administrator Missing Posts
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    Hi LouBouha
    I do not remember seeing any of your post in Trash, but have been Merging alot of Double posts lately ie: 2 posts one after the other. You will see a note at the bottom of your post if that has happened.
    If they have been trashed the Trash section, it is cleaned out on a regular basic to keep the Forum clean of Dead posts and yes your post count goes down.
    Your Rep shouldn't change but can't guarantee that, but the Forum can not keep all posts as there is a limit as to how much space it takes.
    The Forum is now sitting around 75% full after a Major clean out.
    So sorry for any bodies concerns but all is running much better now, solong as people make worth while posts and no thankyou and post in English etc and read the rules.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.



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