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  1. #11
    IT Administrator XL 250 tracklogs
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    OK seems Trip Master didn't save enough info "was about 300Km of data in 4 lines of info thus resulting in no tracks", so have configured it to save in GPX form and will see how we go. The display side of it was excellent and easy to read.
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    Magnetron Legacy

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  3. #12
    Master Downunder35m's Avatar
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    If I'm not mistaken you can change the settings so that the interval is shorter.
    Also try to use a format that can be used in a normal text editor, makes things easier.
    IMHO best tool for tracking is still OziExplorer or a dedicated tracking device.
    For example my crash cam records the entire data for the full lenghts of the video, this includes not just the coordinates but also acceleration, heigth, breaking force, time and I think some other things.
    But converting those records into a usable tracklog format would require the use of Exel or similar so the unwanted stuff is out and the rest converted into the correct form.
    Password for all my files: downunder

  4. #13
    IT Administrator XL 250 tracklogs
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    Yep found Config screen when I got home and will post a pic "linked" of my setup of gadgets on the dash, I changed the output file to GPX which OZI will import and will use TT when driving to work and around my fair City of Perth to log some track and see how we go "am impressed with the program anyway".
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    Magnetron Legacy

  5. #14
    IT Administrator XL 250 tracklogs
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    OK after doing some 200KM with the unit set to GPX and short logs, I also cleared the log file first, well bad news the file was still only 3 lines long and not in GPX format so changed the extension to .txt and same result nothing, so I think the software has a bad bug, the GUI interface is good but not the logging file.
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    Magnetron Legacy

  6. #15
    IT Administrator XL 250 tracklogs
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    Seems no answer to the problem for Trip Master so anyway am not worried is only another way of a possible backup of trip, will still use interface for general traveling.
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    Magnetron Legacy




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